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No matter how many “what to expect when expecting” books you read, you can never be too informed. For instance, did you know that 60% of moms suffer from diastasis recti after birth? This is where the right and left abdominal muscles separate due to pressure from the bulging uterus and labor. Unfortunately, it has no cure, and the best way is prevention and management. And this is where postpartum belly binding comes in. Besides helping with  diastasis recti, it has other benefits. Here’s more on why you should consider it.

Benefits of Postpartum Belly Binding

Bengkung belly binding involves wrapping the belly after birth using a unique wrap. It has numerous benefits and is safe for most mothers. Its benefits include:

  1. Reduce Postpartum Pain

Most new mothers experience admiral pain after birth due to contractions. Belly binding helps reduce uterine involution hence less pain. Therefore, instead of popping pain relievers, you use the wrap to manage the pain.

  1. It Helps Close the Abdominal Walls.

Diastasis recti is a common condition for most mothers, especially those who undergo vaginal birth. The pressure from the bulging uterus and the labor process causes the abdominal muscles to separate. Belly binding comes in handy in repairing these muscles.

  1. It Provides Support for Your Back and Pelvic Floor

Breastfeeding and caring for an infant may cause you to assume the wrong posture. But with belly binding, you get support for the back and pelvic floor muscles. Hence, this reduces lower back pain. Also, it strengthens the pelvic muscles reducing urine leakage.

  1. It Enhances Recovery After a C-section

Belly binding is vital after stomach surgery, especially c-sections. Doctors may recommend the wrap to promote healing. It helps reduce pain, increases blood flow, lowers swelling, and promotes healing of the muscles and incision.

Precautions When Using Belly Binding

  • Belly wraps have numerous benefits and are harmless to most new mothers. However, they can pose health risks for some women. Hence it’s essential to be cautious when using one. Here’s what you should know.
  • Don’t use the binding without a doctor’s clearance. The truth is belly binding isn’t for everyone. Therefore, always seek a doctor’s opinion before using it.
  • Engage a professional. Unless you have done belly binding before, ensure you work with a professional, at least for your first session. They’ll help you choose the suitable binding wrap and show you how and when to wrap it.
  • Belly wraps aren’t waist trainers. A popular myth is that belly wraps can help you lose belly fat. Some people confuse the wraps for waist trainers. Although they can help heal the abdominal muscles, they don’t contribute to weight loss.
  • Follow your specialist’s instructions. Belly wraps can cause more harm than good when misused. Ensure it’s not too tight to avoid pain, difficulty breathing, and pelvic floor prolapse. Also, stick to the prescribed timelines.

Belly wraps are a great way to reduce and manage postpartum problems such as pain due to contractions, diastasis recti, and pelvic muscle weakness. Also, it promotes healing after belly surgery, such as a c-section. However, ensure you work with a belly binding professional to avoid worsening these problems.



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