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Does THC-O-Acetate Matter and What Is It? | Voluntate Shop

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Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC as it is more commonly called, is known to every cannabis user. When the molecule binds to CB1 receptors in the central nervous system, this cannabinoid is the main contributor to the herbal high that is created. It has a variety of effects, including exhilaration, appetite, and relaxation as well as tiredness.


THCO Acetate Cannabis breeders and extractors have long sought to increase the availability of this psychoactive compound through selective breeding and sophisticated isolation methods. There are currently THC crystals with a purity rating of over 99%, and certain cultivars have been developed to yield flowers with THC concentrations of over 30%.

WHAT THC-O-Acetate  IS IT?

The acetate ester of THC, also known as THCO Acetate , can be produced from both THC and THCA. Sulphuric acid and acetic anhydride, two extremely corrosive and hazardous chemicals, are used in this procedure, making it risky and pointless to try to synthesise this molecule at home. Such feats should only be attempted by skilled scientists on a Walter White level.

THC-O-Acetate  is essentially physiologically inert once it has been created. This categorises the molecule as a prodrug, a compound that doesn't act until the body's metabolic processes break it down. Psilocybin, a prodrug that is metabolically changed into psilocin, is a well-known example.



Given how uncommon and little-known this molecule is, even within the cannabis world, THCO Acetate has a very interesting and contentious past. The chemical is still mostly unknown, and much remains to be learned. The United States military did the scant scientific study on THC-O-Acetate  between 1948 and 1975.


At the Edgewood Arsenal site in Maryland, the US Army Chemical Corps oversaw this study's classified human subject research. To investigate the effects of these low-dose combat applications, almost 7,000 troops and 1,000 civilian test participants were exposed to a variety of chemical agents.


A section of the programme was devoted to psychochemical warfare, in which cannabinoids including THCO Acetate, PCP, and LSD were given to dogs. One of the results reached through this investigation regarding the effects of the enigmatic molecule was that they were substantially stronger than those of THC.


THC-O-Acetate  has received relatively little attention in mainstream society, let alone drug and cannabis cultures, outside of these covert experiments. Authorities in the nation became aware of the chemical when the US Drug Enforcement Agency found extractions there. However, the material has not been classified due to the utter lack of offences involving it. As a THCO Acetate analogue, it can potentially be regarded as illegal.


The cannabinoid has been detected in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, two other Western nations. According to reports, the conviction of a producer who used the book Cannabis Alchemy as a guide through this risky chemical procedure led to the classification of THC-O-Acetate  in the United Kingdom as a Class A substance alongside heroin and crack cocaine.



Consider the high you experienced after consuming some of the potent cannabis you've ever consumed. It might have been a premium concentrate that was ignited on a dabbing rig. Perhaps you loaded a blunt with a moon rock that you had cut up. Anyhow, visualise this high being increased by 300%. THC-O-Acetate  is said to have this effect.


The refined extract is supposed to resemble a thick, dark oil. Once ingested, metabolic mechanisms deacetylate the molecule to make it physiologically active. A hallucinogenic and ostensibly spiritual experience is catalysed in around 30 minutes.


Some marijuana users want to keep things calm, thus they have no interest in using this drug. Others are true psychonauts who are always looking for creative and novel methods to use cannabis and experience a new high. It is really not advisable for you to try to make this chemical at home if you fall into one of these categories. And odds are you'll have a very difficult time finding it. Smoking cannabis chemovars that have been specifically cultivated to biosynthesize large amounts of THCO Acetate is the second-best approach.



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