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Just like humans, cats are unique and special. Every breed of cat has traits that are different from each other and that’s what makes them the cat they are. Despite the fact that we don’t have an exact answer on which cat breed has the greatest memory, we can make use of their other traits to make a close guess. Since memory is related to overall intelligence, we can safely assume that cats who are the cleverest are the ones with the best memory.

According to a study, cats are not the smartest domesticated pet there is. This is actually shocking for some cat owners.

Researchers from 6 universities around the world run a study about the number of brains cells in dogs and cats. Brain cells can be used to measure how much information is being processed, thus the higher the number of neurons an animal has, the more intelligent it is considered. Results showed that dogs have about five hundred million neurons, twice as much compared to the neuron count found in the brain of cats which is just about 250 million.

Consult your animal medical center Middletown, DE about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues. More tips can be found at your Galena Animal Medical Clinic.


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