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The popular video game franchise, Doom has finally released their much-awaited video game known as Doom Eternal. Similar to its predecessor, the game universe is filled with numerous demons and out of all of them, Marauder is most dangerous. As, we all know that the game task requires from the players to take down these demons who are willing to take control of the universe.

The objective of the game always demands from the players to be offensive but currently, the gamers are intend to be on the defensive mode because of Marauder. In the following article, we are going to cure intricacy of the gamers in slaying Marauder alongside will discuss various gimmicks that will help them in getting triumph in Doom Eternal.


The best strategy to slain Marauder is to know about all of its attacks, moves and then dodge them. Gamers first need to observe all the actions of Marauder, obviously it will cost gamers few matches but it is the least possible way they can rely on. Marauder appears in the sixth mission with Axe, Shotgun, Shield as its weapon companions. Gamers need to know that couple of time back, Marauder was a Sentinel, so it is aware of all the attacks of the Doom Slayer.

Gamers need to be aware of all these facts including its shield that can resist the most potent attacks of the gamers. Gamers first need to understand all its attacks and once they understood all of them, then they need to know about ways to dodge them. The best way is to stand in the center of the arena as Marauder will be not far or close to them, it is one of the best ways to resist its Shotgun Blast or Spectral Wolf.

Gamers can also calculate a distinctive range of 15 to 10 feet from Marauder, if they are confused about the center. Thereafter, Marauder will try to inflict damage to the gamers through throwing of Axe which again can be easily dodge either by bending or jumping.


Gamers can easily diminish the confidence of Marauder once they succeed in implementing the defensive mode. After that, the gamers require to know that Marauder has a weakness which can be targeted to demolish it and the subsequent vulnerability is to swipe attacks by flashing green. Gamers need to observe this move and keep on ready while they witness Marauder is turning green.

They need to shoot on it immediately and it is suggested to use Super Shotgun to execute this attack. Gamers need to aim on its head to slaughter this giant in one shot otherwise its shield will definitely dodge the Shotgun attack. However, there is one more way of slaying Marauder along with its shield and it is by using Grenades of Eternal. Gamers need to use these weapons of splash-damage to slain Marauder with its shield.

Gamers need to be aware of the fact that the Grenade will be placed exactly either to Marauder’s left or right or precisely in front of it. Once, the gamers throw Grenade on exact place, Marauder will thrash out of the arena instantly.


The following article will favor the gamers to know about new game of id Software; Doom Eternal. The article contains a specific guide to slain most deadly boss of Doom Eternal; Marauder. We hope that the gamers will accomplish this task through our article and they will probably find it useful.

The process of slaying Marauder is simple but quite lengthy, so it is recommended to be aware while reading this article.

Note: Gamers who are still unaware with Doom Eternal can play it on Xbox One, Google Stadia, PS4,and PC.

Emily Johnson is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding office.com/setup and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.

Source: https://ukmsoffice.com/blog/doom-eternal-how-to-beat-marauder/