1. Marketing

Dragon Style, Value Proposition

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Have you heard about the Sea Dragon fossil that was just found in Rutland?
In essence, a strange-looking object that was sticking out of the dirt was discovered to be the head of a 250 million years old, 10-meter long sea predator. The creature has since been recognized by palaeontologists as an ichthyosaur, but screw that difficult-to-pronounce term. A sea dragon is what it is.
Isn’t this email meant to be about marketing, though?”
It is, in fact. This email is actually about the discovery, excavation, and preparation of your company’s value proposition, which is why we opened with the news story about the discovery, preparation, and excavation of a sea dragon.
(Don’t worry, we’re not going to say it’s the marketing equal of palaeontology, that would be… odd, so we’ll just imply it.)
Value proposition, then. a feature that Each company must have. In a word, a value proposition is identifying your target market, emphasizing the advantages of your product or service, and emphasizing the advantages for your clients. This establishes the foundation for all subsequent marketing efforts. Read more…

Our marketing firm provides a cost-efficient, completely managed, and outsourced marketing service. At Bloody Marketing our entire staff of specialists will continuously plan, produce, and distribute all the marketing you’ll ever need. Contact us.


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