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The average human body is composed of around 60% water.

The 88 rule advocates consuming eight glasses of water daily, each holding 237 millilitres (8 ounces).

Even though there are less data to back this 

 guideline, it is recommended that you drink enough water.

Here are four scientifically-backed reasons to improve your water intake.

1.Assists in reaching one's full athletic potential

Maintaining optimal hydration levels is essential for peak physical performance.

This is of paramount significance during strenuous physical activity or when temperatures soar.

Dehydration becomes obvious with only a 2% loss of total body water. However, athletes often lose 6-10% of their total water weight from sweating. 

This may cause problems with temperature regulation, diminished motivation, and heightened weariness. It may also increase the perceived difficulty of exercise in both the physical and mental realms.

  1. Advertising has a major impact on productivity and alertness.

The degree to which your brain functions depends on how well-hydrated you are.

According to studies, dehydration of only 1-3% of body weight may significantly impact cognitive abilities.

Researchers observed that young women's mood and focus suffered with a fluid loss of 1.4% after exercise. In addition, it caused more frequent headaches. 

This research team also looked at young males; many of the same people were involved in both studies. They discovered that a loss of 1.6% of total body fluid was associated with impairments in working memory and elevated anxiety levels. 

  1. It has the potential to aid in the avoidance and treatment of headaches.

Some people's headaches and migraines are triggered by being dehydrated. 

According to studies, a headache is a typical sign of dehydration.

According to some research, those who suffer from headaches regularly may find relief by drinking water.

The Migraine-Specific Quality of Life scale is a rating system for migraine symptoms. A study of 102 men revealed that consuming an extra 50.7 ounces (1.5 litres) of water daily significantly improved migraine symptoms.

In addition, 47 per cent of the men whose headaches improved after drinking more water compared to 25 per cent of the men in the control group 

Not all studies have shown that increasing water intake reduces headache frequency or severity, and experts have concluded that further studies are required to validate this. 

  1. It could assist with constipation relief

Constipation is characterized by infrequent bowel motions and difficulties moving feces, a common health condition.

Some data suggest increasing fluid consumption should be a component of the therapeutic plan.

Constipation may improve if you drink more water.

People who suffer from constipation may find that mineral water helps them immensely.

Mineral water high in magnesium and salt has been demonstrated to ease constipation and promote regular bowel movements. 


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