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The heart of the earth is choking from all the plastic we use in our daily life. With Earth’s life falling into a dilemma, a big question mark also arises on humanity’s future existence. The only way to save the earth and give a little push to the existence of humans is to manufacture eco-friendly bags as a substitute to the earth's core eating plastic. The initiative was taken seriously by the Arab countries. Bag manufacturers in the UAE are moving in full swing by producing eco-friendly bags to eliminate plastic bags.

This step of producing and using eco-friendly products is a small step, but it will definitely help humanity to take a big leap of faith towards a better and more human-friendly future.

The companies manufacturing the green bags are trying to cover all your bags' needs. Eco-friendly bags which you can take to the beach; mesh bags for daily life groceries; stylish bags for gifting; and sustainable bags for shopping. An eco-friendly bag in every hand to save our home, this motherland.

Here’s how you can contribute to saving the only planet we have.

Do not just say no to plastic alone; make it a choir.

If only you in your locality are saying no to plastic, then it's not enough to cure the screaming planet. Everyone has to raise their voice together. It's your duty to make everyone pledge never to use plastic and never let anyone use any plastic bags. When the crime is committed by the whole, then only the whole will serve. Bag manufacturers in the UAE produce bags in large quantities and in every price range so that everyone together eliminates this planet's eating plastic.

Actions raise awareness.

Now that the situation has gone almost out of hand, just talking about substituting plastic will not help at all. No matter how loud you shout, doomsday will still arrive. Use eco-friendly or green bags instead, and always step out of the house with your own jute or cloth bag so that you don't have to use a plastic bag in misery. 

Don’t let others use it too.

It will not work if you alone won’t use plastic; it should be a collective effort. Say no to shopkeepers when they use plastic bags for their customers. Always carry a paper or jute bag with you. Now is the time to take action. First, you yourself must stop using plastic. After changing yourself, change the world. Tell your friends to avoid plastic bags and use eco-friendly bags. It's not a one-on-one fight, it's a battle that requires an army.

Use something that is already used.

Use reusable bags or bags that are made up of recyclable material. Utilizing the reused bags will reduce the amount of trash and will cause less plastic pollution. Use eco-friendly bags made with reusable and washable material.

It is now that we have to take such drastic measures to save our planet. It is all because of the blind use of plastic over the years. But I am thankful to those bag manufacturers in the UAE, who are rejuvenating this initiative to substitute plastic from the face of the earth. But this is not the first time that we are trying to eliminate plastic. Numerous failed attempts have been made, and the failure of those attempts has now brought us to the brink of our planet's doom.

At first, it will all seem to be an impossible feat to achieve, and it will take an awful amount of time for the day to come when we’ll see a significant change in the surroundings. But we have to start working today and will just have to work with our heads down for many days waiting for that one day to come.


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