1. Education

Educational Trend 2021 and Effects of COVID-19

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The recent '20s are considered the most disturbing years for almost all the sectors worldwide, out of which the education sector is being badly affected. More than 1 billion students of the world are at the risk of failing their academic year with the school's sudden closure for an unlimited period. The aim of closing the schools was due to avoid the spread of COVID-19 that was easy to happen due to excessive interaction in a day at school. (Rundle, A. G et.al) the effects of these school closures have done a lot of damage to the student's life, such as:

  • Students were stressed (Baron, E. et.al)
  • Students were confused with the trial period of new teachings techniques
  • Being isolated at home, they were going deep down into depression.
  • Low motivation level to study due to which students have been looking to “Pay someone to write my assignment.”
  • Not much engaged with the new way of teaching
  • A considerable decrease in the presence of students was seen
  • With limited resources at home, many students could not cope with the class.
  • Finding difficulties in understanding the academic concepts
  • Students were unable to work on the project that was usually done with the team efforts

However, considering such significant problems students face, the education sector came forward to settle down the phase, as COVID is not expected to calm down any soon. So now the sectors have started working on the long-term strategic changes in the teaching that is feasible for every student from every background to adapt to the new era of education.

In the past year, it is witnessed that things are becoming routine for students. Everyone is settling down and getting comfortable with the new world of education introduced, which is non-purposely introduced in the Pandemic. Since this new era of education is full of intelligent and advanced teaching methodology, everyone is considering continuing practicing the same until the end of the Pandemic and even after that.

Education trend 2021 set by the Pandemic

Recovering the learning losses

Since there is a significant loss made to the education sector, many students stood idle with unstable mindsets regarding their future. The students no longer see themselves anywhere in the educational growth with their excessive loss of concepts and understanding. So for this purpose, in 2021, the higher education authorities have planned the strategies to look back at the losses of students and all that they were struggling with the closure times. It is a thoughtful initiative for the educators and the students.

More Focused on student's engagement

The percentage of students' engagement was drastically dropped at the rising spread of COVID19 and the complete closure of the educational institutions. Students were not involved in the online practices, discussions, and classes, as physical appreciation has a next-level impact compared to the virtual one. Until the remote teaching continued, the motivation level to be engaged in the studies decreased. This alarming situation allowed the educators to look for effective alternative ways to get the children involved and participate in every discussion.

The tactical approaches that came to the mind of teachers were to reward students in every little they do. Of course, the students are motivated towards their studies when they are rewarded with one accomplishment after the other, so the educators plan to set a lower standard to increase the engagement of every student.

  • The teachers have started giving marks on the daily writing submission of the students.
  • For every word a student is writing for any academic purpose, the teachers deserve ratings.
  • Teachers are cutting down long tasks into shorter ones that seem achievable for the students.
  • The educators are lowering the standard of education, so it might seem easy to handle via online platforms.
  • Appreciating all the puny efforts of the students.
  • The educational sector is directing the students to acquire cheap assignment writing services if they have difficulty managing their assignments.
  • Giving advantage to students on their academic ratings in assessment and final examinations.

Continuing the usage of digital tools

Of course, it was pretty challenging to accept digital tools for educational institutions and students who were not used to it before. There was a set of rules and instructions, along with the training if needed, for the teachers to use digital technologies and methodologies. However, right after the professional training of using the advanced teaching tools, it has been seen that the teachers are equipped with practical strategies that are making students involved and perform better.

In the months of completing involved in the educational process based on these digital tools, it is seen that the process of learning and teaching has become fast-tracked. The digital tools have created my convenience for the teachers, as they do not have to put in their outstanding efforts to understand a single lecture. Also, it is manageable for students to handle digital homework and analyze their performances using such great tools.

It is considered that the use of digital tools will now continue forever in the education sector as it has been tremendously benefiting the sector.

Final Verdict

After a complete year of facing the darkness in the education sector, things are now returning to normal. Even the dark years have left us with thoughtful experiences, and every person has learned a lot to survive with limited resources. We are the ones who have crossed the boundaries looking for our comfort zone in every sector, which was considered destructive in a situation like a pandemic. So, in the end, when it is expected that COVID-19 might leave this world soon, we have the sense of living with all little we have.

It is all about how productive you can be with the things within your reach! Therefore, you are recommended to consider what is expected to come your way. Whereas, now and till the world exists, the Pandemic has left us with some practical changes in the education sector, and continuing the state will give us a prosperous and advanced living era.