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For any contact center that tends to offer seamless service, problem-solving is one of the most critical skills agents need to possess. However, problem-solving isn't always intuitive. One learns only through careful training and systemization. Besides, poor customer service is a deal-breaker between the enterprise and the customer.

It is not as easy as it seems for telecommunication call center outsourcing agencies to ensure meaningful and purposeful customer interactions each and every time. So, here's how these agencies work to solve such challenges.

Define the problem

The first step to practical problem solving is that the contact center agent must analyze the problem. When the customer states the problem, it will be easy for the telecommunication call center agent to re-state the problem for clarification and validation.

The root cause

For every concern, there will be a root. In most cases, telecommunication call center outsourcing companies have experienced a lack of understanding of the root cause. In order to provide the best solution, the agent must be able to determine the reason behind such an issue.

Running a series of questions about how and when the problem arose can help you identify and fix the problem. However, agents also take the customer's perception. This allows the agent to understand the customer's needs better and address the issues.

Considering possible solutions

When your business outsources telecommunication services, the agents there will understand the problem thoroughly. They'll then generate possible solutions by considering the client's desires and actions agents have taken to deal with such issues.

Meanwhile, the agent will equally consult with the customer at a point and ensure that all possible solutions are pleasing to the customer.

Evaluate the solutions

Each possible solution needs proper evaluation. This generally falls under the basis of its appropriateness, practicality, and efforts. There are several fixes for such issues, and the telecommunication call center outsourcing company will be able to evaluate each solution based on the traits. Moreover, the evaluation ensures that the solution chosen is the correct one and further fixes are not required.

Implementation of the solution

Depending upon the severity of the issue, the fix for any given solution may vary widely. The agent should consider the implementation process. In some cases, implementation also requires collaboration with other sectors of the company. As a result, you get reasonable and seamless for both the customer and the agent.

Customer survey

After the outsource telecommunication service provider implements the fix, it's now time to survey the customer about their experience. Was there anything that they fell short of the mark? Did they need more support? Was there anything the agent did particularly well or poorly? These customer insights help ensure that future problem-solving phone calls are executed smoothly.


For a telecommunication call center service provider to perform well, management needs to occasionally check in with its problem-solving protocol. Running such a thing helps expose weakness in which the contact center can provide better service. 


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