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There’s nothing quite as exciting as launching a new product or service. Taking that next step presents enormous opportunities for your brand to continue growing, so it’s vital to effectively market your new offering right out of the gate.

But how do you make it happen? Merriam-Webster’s word of the year is “authentic,” and you can take that approach into the new year.

Meeting your audience where they are is essential, so it makes sense that many brands strive for success in the digital marketplace. While it may seem like everyone takes the same approach to digital marketing, some techniques that prioritize authenticity can offer you an advantage, while others fall short.

Of course, due to the rapidly evolving nature of the digital marketplace, strategies that worked last year may not yield any results today. Here’s a list of four dos and don’ts for effectively marketing your new product or service online.

Do: Have Your Products Authentically Reviewed by Pros

We’ve seen numerous examples of paid influencers who never actually use the products they promote offering disingenuous advice to their followers. That creates considerable skepticism—and rightly so.

Now, audiences want to know they’re getting the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There’s no better way to cut through the influencer noise than by having your product reviewed by a genuine pro. All you have to do is capture their review with high-quality video production services from a pioneering product education platform that does it all.

Don’t: Settle for Marketing on Just a Few Platforms

It’s easy to fall into the trap of marketing on a few platforms you prefer using or that you’re most familiar with. But this can exclude huge swaths of potential customers.

High-quality content created in partnership with an industry expert is ideal for all platforms, so start with the avenues most frequented by your target audience and branch out from there.

With honest video reviews from a product education platform that also acts as an explainer video production company, you can capture the traffic you need to drive revenue.

Do: Leverage User-Generated Social Content

When your brand receives five-star product reviews, excellent feedback, and other positive interactions from real purchasers on social media, seize the opportunity to show potential customers how your product or service has helped people just like them.

This is the kind of authenticity people are looking for as they shop online, so don’t shy away from it. Instead, make the most of it—feature it front and center.

Don’t: Push Fake Reviews

It’s not just that fake reviews are easy to spot and increase skepticism about your brand—the FTC is moving to ban fake reviews completely, so anyone relying on them could find themselves in hot water before too long.

Besides, there are simply more effective options when it comes to digital marketing. Nothing so aptly shows the virtues of your new offering as a video featuring an honest review from an industry pro, especially when it’s produced by a product education platform that also acts as one of the leading explainer video companies. That combination is an authentic approach you can count on as the foundation of your marketing strategy.

About The Desire Company

Building trust among your consumers is key for establishing the brand loyalty your business needs to thrive in today’s digital marketplace. From the rise of #deinfluencing to the FTC crackdown on fake reviews, it’s clear that honest advice and authenticity are more vital than ever. That’s why The Desire Company goes beyond the usual product recommendations from paid influencers and pseudo-experts. In fact, that’s exactly what separates them from a typical creative agency or video production company. They’re a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, and matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution. When you partner with The Desire Company, your audience will be informed, not influenced, by authentic educational content that builds trust and drives conversions. Tap into an expert with The Desire Company.

Authentically build brand loyalty with The Desire Company at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/48nsRFB

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