1. Pets

Effects Of Stress On Cats

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You, Your Cat, and Anxiety or Depression | Psych CentralCats can experience stress just like humans can. Stress can negatively affect a cat's physical and mental health. Some common effects of stress on cats include:

  • Changes in behavior: Cats may become more aggressive, anxious, or withdrawn when stressed. They may also start scratching, biting, or spraying urine more often.
  • Changes in appetite: Stress can cause cats to lose their appetite or eat more than usual.
  • Changes in bathroom habits: Stress can cause cats to have accidents outside the litter box or stop using the litter box altogether.
  • Changes in grooming habits: Cats may stop grooming themselves or over-groom when they are stressed.
  • Changes in sleep patterns: Cats may sleep more or less when stressed.
  • Physical symptoms: Stress can cause various physical symptoms in cats, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.

It is important to identify and address the sources of stress in your cat's environment to help improve their physical and mental health. This may include providing them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, maintaining a regular routine, and creating a safe and comfortable living space. If you suspect your cat is experiencing stress, it is a good idea to consult with a veterinarian Louisville, KY or a feline behavior specialist for advice on how to best support your cat.


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