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Electrician Should Replace The Electrical Wiring In Older Homes As A Safety Precaution

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Electrician Should Replace The Electrical Wiring In Older Homes As A Safety Precaution


When acquiring an older home, it is a good idea to have a professional home inspector look over the entire property. Although the majority of people are concerned about leaking roofs or moldy basements, experts claim that potential homeowners should also be highly concerned about the age of the electrical wiring that is currently installed in the property.

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According to the findings of a study that was carried out in 2009 by the National Fire Prevention Organization, improper electrical wiring was the primary factor that led to residential fires. If the age of the home you are interested in purchasing or the one in which you are already living is forty years or older, you might want to consider having a reliable electrician inspect the property for any of the following issues:


Aluminum Wiring


There is a possibility that homes built in the 1960s or 1970s still contain their original aluminum wiring. Because the connections in such wiring have a tendency to become less secure over time, it presents a potential threat to public safety. When the space between the wiring and the connector gets larger, there is a greater chance that the area would overheat, which could eventually result in a fire. If aluminum wiring is discovered in your home, your electrician may suggest that you convert over to copper wiring as the more conventional option.


Wiring with Knobs and Tubes

On the other hand, houses constructed between the years 1900 and the early 1950s might use knob and tube wiring, which is an even more archaic sort of electrical system. This kind of wiring presents problems due to the absence of a ground wire; as a result, the possibility of being shocked is considerably increased.

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In general, knob and tube wiring systems were constructed to be able to withstand 15 amps, which was more than sufficient more than 60 years ago. In many instances, the electrical needs of the modern home significantly surpass the limit of 15 amps that the knob and tube can provide. This indicates that the older form of wiring is probably being subjected to a greater load of electricity than it was originally intended to be able to handle.


Outlets, switches, and junction boxes that aren't working properly


Even while your wiring could be in good shape, there's still a chance that your outlets, switches, and junction boxes aren't up to date. Under circumstances like these, there is an elevated danger of a fire breaking out in a residential building. As a result of this, it is in your best interest to have an electrician replace any outlets, switches, or junction boxes in your home that are not working properly.


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