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  • This regulated structural re-bonding of various elements developed novel properties that were far better than that of the original materials. For instance, the structure of metal possesses a better toughness but has a poor hardness, whereas a ceramic possess good hardness but is extremely brittle.
  • Imagine the potential of e-waste! By just combining two substances together under regulated temperature experts created a totally new and different hybrid substance that has the hardness of a ceramic and toughness of a metal. Doesn’t this surprise you?
  • You can save valuable resources from being ruined by not dumping your e-waste in the landfills!
  • E-waste management in India is still in its nascent stage and more awareness needs to be created among people.
  • Using the keywords, ‘e-waste collection centre near me’ search for the nearest e-waste collection centre of Namo E-Waste and carry out your national duty of disposing of the e-waste in a formal and legal manner.


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