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Email marketing automation helps target the right audience with the correct message. It's important to know what you're getting into, though: after all, there are plenty of myths around email automation that can lead you astray. So let's take a look at five common misconceptions about email marketing automation and dispel them once and for all.

Myth #1: Email is dead.

The first myth is that email marketing is dead. This is a popular falsehood. Email is still alive and well, with plenty of advantages over more traditional forms of communication such as social media and billboards.

Email allows for a level of personalization that other forms don't offer; you can customize your emails based on customer history (for example, if they've visited your website before), their interests (if they're fans of certain kinds of content), or even their location (if they live in an area where it would be beneficial for you to send them local offers).

Myth #2: You can automate your entire email marketing program.

Email marketing automation is only part of the equation. You need to have a strategy, and you need to know what your goals are before you can automate them.

If your company doesn’t have a clear idea of who its customers are, what they want from their experience with your brand or service and how much money they have in their bank accounts at any given time (or even if they have a bank account), then email marketing automation might not be right for you.

And if all this sounds like too much work when compared with the benefits that come along with using an automated system like this one then maybe it isn't worth it.

Myth #3: Automation is going to be too hard to implement.

While automation may seem like an intimidating task, it doesn't have to be. The first step is setting up your email marketing software, which will allow you to create automated emails based on per-set rules. Once that's done, all you have left is making sure everyone in your organization knows how their emails should look and feel when sent out automatically and that they're actually getting them!

Automation is not just for big companies with huge budgets; it can also help smaller companies save time and money by automating tasks such as customer support responses or sales leads workflow management (which allows you to handle inquiries from potential clients).

It's important not only for marketers but also anyone who works remotely because having control over their inboxes helps keep us sane!

Myth #4: Email automation only matters for large companies.

  • Myth #4: Email automation only matters for large companies.
  • This myth is a common misconception among many marketers who don't consider email marketing an important tool in their arsenal. While the benefits of using automation can be great for any business, it's especially beneficial for smaller businesses that want to scale quickly and reach new audiences without having to spend tons of money on advertising campaigns or pay per click (PPC) ads.

Myth #5: Automation lacks the human touch that keeps customers coming back.

Email automation is not a replacement for personalization. Email marketing is about connecting with your audience, and it's important that you do so in a way that feels natural and personal to them. That's why email automation is so effective: By using automation, you can deliver the same message to multiple audiences at once without having to manually craft each individual message from scratch.

You may have heard the phrase “personalized” used as an adjective like this before but what does it really mean? Simply put, personalized means consistent with your company's brand identity or goals (whether those are corporate or personal in nature). When someone opens an email from you, they'll get something useful that fits their interests and needs; this makes them feel welcome as soon as they open up their inboxes.

There are a lot of myths surrounding the effectiveness of email marketing automation, but it is actually very effective.

There are a lot of myths surrounding the effectiveness of email marketing automation, but it is actually very effective. Email marketing automation can be used to:

  • Reach your customers in a more personal way than traditional forms of communication (like phone calls or website reviews).
  • Help you build relationships with them through their inboxes.
  • Get them what they want and need.


These myths are understandable, but they do a disservice to email marketers and their customers. When it comes to email marketing automation, you need to know your audience and what they want from your business before you can automate your campaigns. Automatizing everything would mean that you’d have no control over the content of those messages and no way for people to contact you if something went wrong. It’s more effective for companies like yours to focus on designing automated emails that provide valuable information about what’s happening in your world so that you don’t need human intervention as much as possible without sacrificing any quality.


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