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If you're like most people, you probably use email every day for both personal and professional purposes. But did you know that there are ways to track your email to see when it's opened and read? Email tracking can be a useful tool for businesses of all sizes. It can help you keep track of your customers and clients, and it can also help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. In this blog post, we'll take a look at how email tracking works and how it can benefit your business.

What does email tracking involve?

Tracking is a feature of Gmail that allows you to track any email you send. To do so, simply click on the tracking icon in the top right corner of your message. This will open up an expanded view of all tracked emails and allow you to see who opened them and when they did so.
You can also click on this icon if there are no new messages in your inbox: it will show all previous tracked emails (and any new ones) along with their date/time stamp, sender’s name, subject line and reply address.

Benefits of using email tracking for your business

Email tracking can help you in many ways. Here are some of the benefits:

  • You will get a better idea of who opened your emails and where they came from. This information is useful when it comes to sending out more targeted and relevant messages to your audience. Which will increase their engagement with the brand.
  • It’s also important that you track how long it took for an email to be opened. As well as how many people opened it and closed it before clicking on links within them (if any). This helps determine whether or not a particular campaign was successful at getting people's attention or not. And if so, why?

Get notified about who opened your emails and what links they clicked

You can use email tracking tool to see who opens your emails and what links they click on. This will help you to better understand how people are using your email. Which could be valuable information for future campaigns or promotions.
You can also use this data to create customized emails based on the actions of users who open them. For example, if someone opens an email from you but doesn't click through to another page in the same campaign (or even any pages). That person probably isn't interested in being contacted again by you. You'll want to make sure that those emails aren't sent out again unnecessarily!

Receive read receipts

When you send an email to someone and they open it, a pop-up window appears that says: “You are reading (name of recipient)’s email.” If you don't want your audience to know that they have opened the message. Then click on the ‘X’ icon in the upper right corner of their screen. This will cause Gmail to automatically create a new email with no body text or attachments and no subject line. However, if anyone clicks on links within this blank message. Then he will receive an additional notification indicating which links had been clicked on by other readers! You can even set up read receipts for newsletters so that subscribers can see which ones have been opened by other people who received them.”

Access a history of opened messages

  • Access a history of opened messages
  • As you receive emails, you can see the time and date when each message was opened. You can also see what IP address sent it and even access the subject line if one was attached to the email. This information is helpful for tracking down potential customers who may have left negative feedback for your business online by clicking on links in their emails.

Track email from your smartphone

Tracking email from your smartphone is as easy as pushing a button.

  • Open the Gmail app on your phone and tap Mail in the top left corner.
  • In the top right corner, tap Track this email to keep track of any unread emails that come through.

How to start tracking emails in Gmail

  • How to set up a tracking tool in Gmail:
  • Open the Mail app on your phone and log into Gmail.
  • In the top menu bar, click Settings (it's located next to “Accounts”).
  • Click Accounts > Import/Export below Marketers > Manage Import Export Settings by clicking it once or twice until it opens up completely in another window titled “Import/Export.” At this point you will see an option called “Track Email Campaigns” under Track Activity & Tools section that has been added by Google when they sent you emails about their new service called “Email Tracking”. If this option isn't there yet but still shows as blank then go back through step 1 again until it appears. So we're sure everything worked properly before moving forward!

You will not believe how much time you could be wasting by not setting up email tracking in Gmail!

You will not believe how much time you could be wasting by not setting up email tracking in Gmail! Email tracking is a great way to be more productive, track your emails, improve your productivity. And save time by not having to reply to emails that have already been read.
Email tracking helps you see how many people have opened an email, clicked on links inside it and even opened attachments. It also allows you to measure what percentage of users open each attachment type (PDFs vs images vs videos). So that you know which ones are most effective at converting leads into customers.


Email tracking can be a helpful tool in your business. By tracking emails, you can see which ones are being opened and which ones are being ignored. This can help you determine which messages are getting through to your customers and which ones are falling on deaf ears. Additionally, email tracking can help you identify potential problems with your email delivery system. So that you can fix them before they cause major issues.


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