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End Of Lease Cleaning Tips To Get Back Your Bond

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When you move out of your rental property after the lease, there are some things that you'll need to do before leaving. This includes cleaning the house thoroughly so that it's in good condition for the next tenant who moves in. However, it can be hard to know exactly what to clean and when because there are many different elements which go into making a home look nice – from carpets and windows through to bathrooms and kitchens. The tips below will show you how to prepare your property for moving out and getting back your bond money!

Carpet Cleaning

Get your carpet as clean as possible. It may be tempting to skip this part, but you should not. You will want to get your carpets professionally cleaned by a professional, so that they are clean and sanitized for when the next person moves in.

To start things off, make sure that the carpets are completely dry before you begin any work on them. If there is moisture in the carpeting, then it can cause permanent damage over time and make the cleaning process more difficult than necessary. Once this has been done, use an industrial strength cleaner such as Simple Green or Spray Nine on all areas of the carpet with a scrub brush or broom to ensure that there are no spots missed when cleaning up later on down another day at home!

Window And Glass Cleaning

When it comes to window cleaning, there are a few things you need to know. If you're planning on getting your bond back after moving out, it's important that your windows are free from dirt and grime.

  • Use a squeegee or soft cloth to remove water from windows after they've been cleaned.

  • Don't use abrasive cleaners on windows as this can damage them over time.

  • The best way to clean glass is by using glass wipes that contain ammonia or bleach-based products as these can cause damage if used for too long.

Bathroom Cleaning

Bathroom cleaning is one of the most important aspects of end of lease cleaning. As you know, a dirty bathroom can ruin your chances at getting back your bond money. If you want to be guaranteed a full refund, here are some tips:

  • Clean the toilet by using a bathroom cleaner and wiping it down with paper towels

  • Clean the sink by spraying it with warm water, then wiping it down with paper towels

  • Clean the tub or shower by spraying it with warm water, then wiping it down with cloths or sponges that have been soaked in soapy water (you can also use chemical cleaners if they're available)

  • Wipe down tiles using vinegar diluted in warm water (this will remove soap scum)

  • Wipe mirrors clean using glass cleaner on a soft cloth

Kitchen Cleaning

You can easily clean the kitchen area using a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces, removing any stains from the sink and stove. Cleaning the microwave and oven is also important, so don't forget to do it! If you have time, wash the dishes too. When cleaning your fridge, use a sponge with dishwashing liquid and wipe it down thoroughly. Dusting the kitchen cabinets, shelves and drawers will make all of these processes easier for you when it comes time for inspection.

Garage And Garden Cleaning

You should also clean the garage and garden to make sure there is nothing left behind. This is especially important if you are planning to move out of the house or apartment and want to get your bond back. The landlord will check if everything is clean and in order before you can get your money back. So make sure that they don't see anything wrong with it!

This blog post will outline some easy cleaning tips to get back your bond.

At the end of a tenancy, you need to ensure that your property is in a condition suitable for the tenant to hand back. If you have been using an agent, they may have already arranged for this to happen. However, if you are managing the property yourself and dealing directly with the tenants, then there are some steps that you can take yourself to make sure all goes smoothly.

Before You Leave


In conclusion, there are a few things you can do to ensure that you get your bond back at the end lease cleaning adelaide.



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