1. Design

Essential Components To Include In Any Small Business Website

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A research conducted in 2020 by Telstra showed that small business owners are still not too much interested in having a website. They believe that word of mouth and social media are still the two best alternatives to reach potential customers. But they forget that a website designed by a reputed web design company India could be the best way to boost online presence and reach potential customers. This website should have some essential components, but the problem is that small business owners think that managing a website is a time-consuming affair.

Once they are aware of the critical components of a small business website and how they help them capture more audiences and enhance their revenue, they will realize that they were committing a massive mistake by declining the need for a website for their business. In this post here, we have come up with an explanation of some beneficial components that should be a part of a small business website.



Easy-to-navigate websites are the first choice of audiences, but businesses are still far from realizing this fact. A well-designed navigation bar is the first thing that you should include in the website using a WordPress website development company India. It should be on the top of every page and frozen there only, even when a page is scrolled below. This is called a sticky NavBar, and you can also use ‘drop-downs' to organize the pages. You can include your business logo on the navigation bar that takes the visitor to the ‘homepage’ upon clicking. This logo should be on the top left corner of the page or navigation bar. The most important thing to remember is that this navigation bar should work perfectly on mobile screens also, as mobile devices send more than 50% of web traffic on every website.


Businesses should be very particular about the design of the website, and it should be taken care of every time WordPress website maintenance services are availed. The design should be based on the current industry trends and dedicated to providing a better user experience to the audiences. Elements that distract visitors or slow down the website should be eliminated straight away. The responsive website design should be there, followed by user-experience optimization and strategically used call-to-action buttons. As far as user-experience optimization is concerned, a website designed by a web design company India should include a user-friendly layout, an intuitive site structure, and a clear information pathway.


Contact details should be evident and easily accessible to visitors as this makes the website and business more credible. Contact information should mainly include:

  • The name of the business.
  • The address of the physical location.
  • The telephone number and operation hours.

You should also mention your email address and links to your social media accounts. This will make your customers reach out to you quickly and get more information about your website through your social media profiles. Professionals from WordPress website development company India recommend putting social media links at the website's footer using the icons of respective social media platforms.

Some other important elements are also recommended by web designing and search engine optimization experts, and one of them is the ‘About Us’ page. In this regard, they recommend to be as authentic as possible and avoiding stock images altogether. Maintaining an onsite blog is also a good idea to boost your online presence, followed by customized CMS. Lastly, search engine optimization for marketing and SSL certificate from the safety point of view are the two other essential elements that should be a part of any business website.

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