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Ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and n-propyl alcohol have very good disinfecting properties in 60-90% aqueous solutions. They are considered intermediate disinfectants and are effective against bacterial vegetative forms, enveloped viruses, and some fungi and mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Alcohols are thought to act by denaturing proteins, depending on the relative amounts of ethanol msds alcohol and water [22].
Commercial preparations containing high concentrations of alcohol often come in the form of aerosol sprays and are used in combination with other disinfectants for greater effectiveness. In this application, phenolic or quaternary ammonium compounds are added at less than 1%. Alcohols can also be used as co-solvents in pine oil or phenolic preparations, which will quickly bloom or emulsify when diluted in water.

Ethanol, commonly called ethanol and technically ethanol, is one such fuel. Its importance lies in the ease with which it can be prepared from a wide range of raw materials, some of which can be found in every inhabitable country across the globe. These raw materials include vegetables, cultivated crops, farm waste, tropical grasses, waste organic products (such as straw and sawdust, molasses, water gas), industrial waste (such as sulfite solutions from the paper and pulp industry), and many more.
Its use can be seen as a method of harvesting energy directly from the sun without the need for long-term storage on Earth. Wherever there is sunlight, plants synthesize starch using the abundant carbon dioxide and water that bathes our planet. From this stockpile of raw materials, which is renewed annually, enough ethanol to meet world demand can be easily produced. Therefore, it has the property of being updated all year round.

Ethanol or ethanol is a central nervous system depressant. Although it has no unique medicinal properties, it is often consumed for recreational purposes. Ethanol intake is usually expressed in units, with 1 unit equal to 8 grams of ethanol, which is the amount contained in 1/2 pint of regular strength beer, 1 standard glass of wine, or 1 serving of spirits. Although ethanol can depress central nervous system function, causing sedation, hypnosis, and, if ingested in sufficient quantities, coma and death, the initial effects, especially at lower doses, are generally thought to be due to suppression of the inhibitory system the stimulation produced. High doses of ethanol can cause “blackout”; thereafter, the drinker is unable to recall memories or actions during the intoxication