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The National Science Foundation, better known as the NSF, is a federal agency, created by Congress in 1950, the purpose of which is to drive the United States economy, enhance security, and advance knowledge to sustain global leadership.

These sound like lofty goals, but on a practical level, the NSF establishes standards to certify the processes that manufacturers follow meet desired ends.

In this instance, the reduction of lead in drinking water.

What Is NSF Standard 53?
NSF Standard 53 addresses point-of-use and entry systems for drinking water and establishes maximum levels for a wide range of contaminants, including but not limited to lead.

In fact, NSF Standard 53 establishes acceptable levels for over 50 different contaminants, including microbial cysts, VOCs, and chromium.

It does this through extensive testing of material safety and structural integrity in order to ensure compliance. The NSF serves as a disinterested third party that keeps manufacturers honest and prevents them from making any claims that suit their products.

As lead was once widely used in plumbing, there are serious concerns about many municipal water supplies and contamination. Even today, incidental contact with lead-bearing solder or pipe fittings can leach lead into potable water supplies.

NSF Standard 53 requires that,ain order to meet this certification, a system or device must remove at minimum 98.3% of lead 8.5 and 97.2% of lead 6.5.

This is a difficult standard to satisfy but not impossible and many of the most popular Everpure filters meet it, including the Everpure H104 which is a versatile, powerful water filtration system solution that also provides scale inhibition.

How Does the Everpure H104 Filter Cartridge Meet This Standard?
The Everpure H104, which meets NSF Standard 53 for lead and microbial cyst reduction (as well as NSF Standard 42 for chlorine and particulate matter reduction) possesses unique features that make it a long-lasting and effective solution.

The Everpure H104 offers commercial-grade filtration, thanks to its highly-durable metal canister body that resists bursting and splitting, and internal filtration that can mechanically reduce particulate matter down to .5 microns in size.

The interior pleated surface of the Everpure H104 cartridge is also coated with Micro-Pure filtering material which ensures particulate and contaminant reduction while allowing vital minerals to remain in the water, delivering clear, crisp, great-tasting water while removing common off-putting odors and flavors.

Moreover, the H104 filter is not only capable of removing lead from drinking water in accordance with NSF Standard 53; it is also effective at removing microbial cysts, chlorine and chloramines, particulate matter that causes turbidity, the minerals that cause scale and rust, dirt, rust, and oxidized iron and manganese.

It is also easy to install, with a built-in water shutoff that makes changing water cartridges simple and straightforward, and with its rating of 1000 gallons and half-gallon-per-minute flow rating, it is suitable for high-volume enterprises. An Everpure H104 water filtration system is not only a great water filter for private residences, but also for restaurants, cafeterias, and other commercial ventures.

Where Can You Get Replacement H104 Cartridges?
For more information on the specifications of the Everpure H104, please consult efilters.net and refer to the specification sheet included at the link above.

You can also purchase replacement Everpure filter cartridges from their website. They offer great prices and excellent service, as indicated by the numerous customer reviews (some of which you can see on that very page).

Moreover, if you have any questions about this or other Everpure filtration systems or cartridges, feel free to get in touch with efilters’ customer service team. You can reach them conveniently by email at Info@efilters.net

For More Information about Everpure Water Filtration and espresso machine water filter Please Visit: Effilters.