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Every home has power to remove female foeticide totally, Dondre Whitfield Speaking

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The child and women welfare department authorities organize educational programs root out the reasons behind exploitation to women. Dondre Whitfield Speaking is scattering its efforts on ground level. He believes that building of manhood starts from the home that is totally different to making your male member financially independent. The new age time has more requirements from your boys and brothers. They have to be taught about doing small tasks at home like keeping things at order and communicating to female members with respect.


Collective awareness platform presents unique parenting techniques

It is a common scene that department of child and women development welfare in every nation takes assistance from film celebrities, sportspersons and renowned corporate leaders to bring masses on one centralized platform of understanding social issues from root reason. This collective awareness proves to be a real discussion on parenting techniques, mutual understanding between life-partners, open to accept new era of aspiration belonging to both men and women and much more.

Girls going for higher education versus boys dependent on their mothers

Every home is allowing its girls to do higher education and occupy top positions in their favourite fields such as academic institutes, companies, entertainment industry and various government departments. On the other side, the world has been calling our boys, men since they enter in adulthood. It is totally inappropriate to modern day standards in relation to equality between man and woman.

The man who played the recurring role of Robert Foreman on the NBC sitcom and Terrence Frye in All My Children (1991–94) soap opera requests each parent to stop saying their boy that he will marry a girl and she will take care of you. Our women are on road to becoming best mothers for their child so where is space of serving daughter-in- law and ignoring their children for the care of her in-laws.

This book “Male vs. Man” is a real version of needed equality between both genders  

The current time where females are employed in top positions and seeking cooperation to up bring children nicely from their husbands is more to explain that it the last phase where young males should get guidance on becoming a man. Dondre Whitfield Speaking also carries another side that women should be open to appreciating their men and let them be a man.

Values are meant for both boys and girls

Giving your girls freedom to live their life does not mean going on the outskirts of human values. They are the pillar of strength for every home and will be. We never say that cooking and other household duties make our women inferior to men. A man should weigh their work to its earning capacity. Both are complimentary to each other so digging for conflicts carries no solution to girl foeticide and domestic violence. In many homes, children don’t obey their mothers as they view the scene of insult by their father every day. Just realize that how deeply it is affecting decision making ability of our children.

Donder Whitfield Speaking consists with meaningful content that is amazing to make our boys and girls self-dependent while remembering the duties to the families, communities and societies.