1. Education

Every youngster’s dreams are channelized into reality

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“Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambition, and bring out the best in you.” Wrote Roy T. Bennett, in his book ‘The Light in the Heart’. Therefore, it emphasised the importance of our understanding that the concepts that are fed into our minds shape our beliefs and experiences. There are both constructive and destructive thoughts. Nurture your mind by thinking and acting with kindness, empathy, compassion, peace, love, joy, humility, and generosity, among other positive traits. At every stage of life, these ideals are crucial. However, the majority of the beliefs we have today as adults were instilled in us as children. We must therefore impart to our kids the values we wish them to uphold as adults. Children pick up morals from us, from the way we live as a family, and from the experiences we have in the outside world.

At NPS Bangalore, students are taught to develop ideas, solve puzzles, and exhibit positive attributes starting in the lower classes. It is a known fact that the brain develops exponentially, reaching its peak growth in early childhood, or around the ages of three and six. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage dreams throughout the early years of school. Dreams are not to be confused with the things that happen while you’re asleep; instead, dreams are the aspirations that a youngster gradually grows to have. As was already noted, school is where the foundation for such a goal is laid. NPS Vidhyaranyapura, the best schools in Bangalore north, believes and teaches its students way and means to spark cognitive development by a creative approach, problem-solving abilities, talent in extracurricular activities, etc. Children explore objects, people, and activities using all of their senses in order to spark their curiosity and desire for knowledge. As a result, they become more skilled and strive to hire the finest.

Our educational procedure at NPS Bangalore is designed from the outset to focus on the growth of necessary abilities that can give a child’s dream wings. Age-appropriate activities are used here to help the children learn, develop their abilities, and become prepared to achieve their goals.

As examples we have described two activities here.

Games for kids: Playing games with your kids is a great way to teach them problem-solving techniques. They learn how to pay attention to details, follow directions, and handle pressure through games. When you cannot find the object you have preserved for them, it can be quite upsetting for a youngster. However, teaching your child to be patient and apply steps of elimination will help them become better problem solvers.

Crafts and arts: The quantity of inspiration that could be drawn from magazines, colouring books, etc. and applied in this situation. Learning can be related to the imagination through drawing or colouring pictures of animals, plants, or other professionals like a postman, doctors, etc. This could open the door for imaginary play. Children’s imaginative abilities concerning a certain job are developed when they pretend to be someone who is present in the community, whether it be a barrister or an engineer.


We at NPS branches in Bangalore give importance to grooming a child holistically, from an early age and endow them with the skills required to realize their dream.