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What Is Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on improving family relationships, communication, and behavior.

Family therapy can also be used to understand how patterns in the family are transmitted from one generation to another. Family therapists work with each person individually as well as with the whole family together for a specific period of time (a few months). The therapist helps people recognize their personal feelings and emotions by asking questions about themselves, their experiences outside of the home environment and within it. By doing so they develop self-awareness which is an important foundation for being able to change oneself or other members of his/her same “family unit”. It enables them not only to see things differently but actually live different lives; hence “therapy”! This method has proved to be very successful in repairing family relationships and improving communication within families.

Working of Family Therapy

The working of family therapy is based on the fact that people in a family share common experiences and emotions. The therapist uses their skills to help each member of the family recognize their feelings and thinking processes.

Family therapy can be used with individuals or groups including families (parents, children, or siblings) which are seeking assistance for different problems like relationship issues such as divorce/separation; anger management; parenting challenges, etc.

As an example: A father comes home after work to find dinner not ready when he expected it by his wife who is usually very responsible about this task. He feels disappointed but tries hard not to react angrily so they don't start fighting again. The therapist would help each person in the family share their feelings and emotions about this situation. This could help the wife understand how her husband feels when she doesn't have dinner ready on time, which might make it more likely that she will try to be more aware of his expectations in the future.

The father might also learn that his wife felt overwhelmed by all of her other responsibilities and was trying to tell him something important through her actions (not having dinner ready on time). If he understands this, he is less likely to get angry next time something like this happens.

What Does Family Therapy Treat?

There are many problems that can be dealt with through this type of therapy. Many professionals believe it is the best treatment to use when there are family relationships issues, such as divorce/separation or anger management problems because each member in a family shares common experiences and emotions due to their attachment in some way.

Family therapy has been used for many years for different purposes like dealing with grief; abuse (emotional or physical); delinquency and drug addiction; mental health disorders including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc.; eating disorders among others. It also helps people who have adopted children understand them better so they can build healthier relationships which will benefit both members of the “family unit”!

Different Techniques of Family Therapy

There are many techniques of family therapy, but the most common ones are:

Behavioral Therapy

This therapy involves the use of behavioral methods to treat family members suffering from mental and physical disabilities. The therapist helps them cope with their conditions by teaching them new behaviors that will help them adjust in different situations.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

This type of therapy aims at resolving the issues within a person's subconscious mind; however, it can be used on families as well. It is more effective when there are several problems affecting everyone together such as stress or unhealthy relationships between all family members which they have been ignoring for years until now because they thought these were normal due to living under one roof but after undergoing this process, you'll realize things aren't how bad you think and everything could improve if given time!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This approach is very popular and is used to treat a wide range of psychological problems. The therapist helps family members identify the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are causing them distress so they can work on changing these.

Structured Family Therapy

This therapy uses a manualized approach which means it follows a set of specific steps or procedures that need to be followed in order for it to be effective. It is often used with families who have serious mental health issues such as addiction, violence, or severe psychiatric problems.

Systems Theory Approach

This theory looks at how different parts of a system interact with one another in order to achieve equilibrium. In family therapy, this is applied by looking at how each individual's behavior affects the entire family unit.

Strategic Family Therapy

This approach is based on the idea that change can only happen if there is a strategy in place to make this possible. The therapist helps family members develop a plan so they can achieve their goals and resolve the issues they are facing. This approach also involves a lot of collaboration from members of the family.

Benefits of Family Therapy

There are many benefits of using this type of therapy in a family.

Helps To Understand Each Other

This therapy helps family members understand each other better. They share their feelings and emotions which help them see things from a different perspective. This also helps them live better lives because they are now able to communicate with each other without any misunderstandings.

Improved Relationship

This therapy has helped many families improve their relationships with one another. The therapist assists them in understanding how they feel about certain situations and teaches them new ways of communication that could be beneficial for their relationship. This therapy teaches them to be more confident in each other. 

Reduced Conflict

The use of this therapy often results in reduced conflict within the family as everyone is now aware of how they feel and what actions or words might trigger a fight. Families tend to break up when there is continuous fighting due to lack of communication, but through family therapy, it is possible to reduce conflict and help families stay together.

Helps You Accept Each Other's Limitations

Family therapy can also help you accept each other's limitations, which will make it easier for members of the family to live with one another without feeling offended or provoked. This is especially true when a parent is going through depression or suffering from some mental health issues like anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, etc., where they tend to be irritable most times; they could not concentrate on their work properly due to continuous thoughts about what happened earlier in the day at home with their kids/spouses leading them into arguments all the time if there isn't proper communication between both sides. Through this type of therapy, everyone learns how to deal with these situations better and accept each other for who they are.

Makes You More Patient

Family therapy also makes you more patient. This is because, in most cases, the therapist would take a lot of time to understand each family member's story and how it has affected them emotionally. You will be able to see things from other people's perspectives and this will make you more understanding towards them.

Creates a Stronger Bond

The bond between family members tends to become stronger when they go through this type of therapy as everyone is now aware of how they feel about one another and what actions or words might trigger a fight. Families tend to break up when there is continuous fighting due to lack of communication, but through family therapy, it is possible to reduce conflict and help families stay together.

Helps With Mental Illness

There are many mental illnesses that run in families. You might have learned to accept your family member's condition, but they might not be able to cope with it anymore and this could lead them into depression or suicidal thoughts which is why you need the help of a professional who can provide insights on how to deal with these situations.

Prevents Break-Ups

The use of this therapy often results in reduced conflict within the family as everyone is now aware of how they feel about one another and what actions or words might trigger a fight. Families tend to break up when there is continuous fighting due to lack of communication, but through family therapy, it is possible to reduce conflict and help families stay together.

Helps In Dealing With Death

When a family member dies, it can be difficult for the remaining members to cope with the loss. This is especially true if the death was sudden or unexpected. Family therapy can help in dealing with the death of a family member and make it easier for everyone to move on.

Makes You More Compassionate

Family therapy can also make you more compassionate. This is because, in most cases, the therapist would take a lot of time to understand each family member's story and how it has affected them emotionally. You will be able to see things from other people's perspectives and this will make you more understanding towards them.

Makes You More Resilient

Family therapy can also make you more resilient. This is because, in most cases, the therapist would take a lot of time to understand each family member's stor


y and how it has affected them emotionally. You will be able to see things from other people's perspectives and this will

 make you more understanding towards them.

Benefits for Children

There are many benefits of using Family Therapy as an approach towards dealing with children; however, there needs to be some preparation from parents before taking their kids through such processes so as not to make things worse for them. The most important thing here is communication! Parents should talk about any issues between themselves first then decide whether the child requires therapy because sometimes children react differently when exposed to different types of stress. It will also help to make children more independent and happy at the same times


In conclusion, family therapy is a great way to heal families that are dealing with different types of problems. It can help in reducing conflict, making family members more understanding and compassionate towards each other, and helping children deal with any emotional issues they might be facing. If you feel like your family is struggling, it might be worth considering this approach.

The use of family therapy often results in reduced conflict within the family as everyone becomes aware of how they feel about one another and what actions or words might trigger a fight. Families tend to break up when there is continuous fighting due to lack of communication; but through family therapy, it is possible to reduce conflict and help families stay together.