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Are you ready to elevate your game room with a stunning pool table but feeling overwhelmed by the installation process?

Don't worry; we've got you covered.

In the guide, you go through everything you need about pool table installation Hanford.

From assembling the frame to leveling the table, we'll provide expert tips and advice to ensure smooth installation.

1. Assemble the Frame

The first step in pool table installation is assembling the frame. Start by attaching the legs to the frame and marking the preferred position.

Ensure the legs are secure before proceeding. Flip the frame and place the legs in their designated spot once the legs are attached.

2. Place the Slate

Next, it's time to place the slate on the frame. Use screws to secure the slate firmly in place, ensuring it is level and smooth.

Use beeswax to fill gaps between slate pieces, ensuring a seamless playing surface.

3. Install the Felt

After the frame and slate are in place, installing the felt is time. Begin by ensuring the felt is the correct size and free of blemishes or tears.

Allow extra side and end material to secure it underneath the slate base. Use a stapler or glue to attach the felt to the underside of the table base, being careful not to stretch it too much.

4. Attach the Rails and Pockets

With the frame and felt installed, it's time to attach the rails and pockets. Ensure the rails are level before attaching them to the frame. If necessary, felt cover the rails before attachment.

Once the rails are in place, attach the pockets securely. Test the rails and pockets by rolling a ball along them to ensure they're straight.

5. Level the Table

One of the most crucial steps in pool table installation is leveling the table. Use a spirit level to check that the table is level in all directions.

Adjust the legs until the table is perfectly level. Proper leveling ensures an even playing surface and prevents balls from rolling unevenly.

6. Test the Table

Once the table is leveled, it's time to test it out. Play a few games or roll some balls around to ensure everything functions correctly. Make adjustments to the rails, pockets, or leveling as needed.


What tools do I need for pool table installation?

You'll need basic hand tools such as a screwdriver, wrench, and spirit level, as well as specific tools provided by the manufacturer.

How long does pool table installation take?

The time required for installation can vary depending on the complexity of the table and your level of experience. On average, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours.

Can I install a pool table, or should I hire a professional?

While DIY installation is possible, hiring a professional pool table moving company Paso Robles, ensures the job is done correctly and reduces the risk of damage to the table.

How often should a pool table be re-leveled?

Re-leveling your pool table at least once a year or more frequently if you notice any unevenness in the playing surface is recommended.

Does the warranty cover pool table installations?

Many pool table manufacturers offer warranties that cover installation, but it's essential to check the terms and conditions of your warranty to confirm coverage.


Pool table installation doesn't have to be daunting. By following these steps and tips, you can ensure a smooth and successful installation process.

Contact C&C Billiards today for expert pool table moving and installation services in Hanford and Paso Robles.


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