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YouTube Shorts has only been around for a little over a year, yet it has already attracted a large number of viewers and creators.

YouTube Shorts is continuously releasing new and useful features, which is understandable given how fresh it is. Let's take a look at the most recent YouTube Shorts promotion.

Users may now go to the Shorts stream and watch them on full screen, inspired by TikTok and Instagram Reels. This is different from how YouTube videos are usually displayed.

Additionally, YouTube revealed that they are expanding a global test that automatically opens the YouTube mobile app in Shorts if the user has previously watched Shorts videos before quitting.


This has only been tried among iOS users so far, but they intend to try it out on Android as well.


Mobile analytics and reusing details from earlier uploads

Reusing details from earlier uploads for new ones is another highly valuable feature given by YouTube.


While uploading videos to YouTube Studio, there will be an opportunity to reuse many details like as video title, video description, language settings, brief sampling permissions, and category options in the detail area.

This can save a lot of time for authors, especially those who submit content frequently and have to fill in these details over and over. Furthermore, before posting the movie, you should always double-check the details.


Furthermore, YouTube has improved the analytics on the YouTube Studio mobile app. Previously, these analytics were only available on the desktop.

Creators may now see their performance over the last 28 days, as well as weekly and monthly statistics. These performance metrics will aid them in strategizing the distribution of their material more effectively.

Basically, the goal is to make these statistics more accessible.

Even though these changes aren't revolutionary, they'll undoubtedly attract more artists and create the groundwork for even more advanced enhancements.