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A Disciple Making Movement (DMM) is a grassroots movement of disciples making disciples that rapidly multiplies and spreads throughout a particular community or region. Here are some things you may not have known about DMMs:

  1. DMMs emphasize obedience-based discipleship: Instead of focusing on knowledge or information, DMMs prioritize obedience to Jesus' commands. Disciples are trained to obey Jesus and share what they have learned with others.

  2. DMMs rely on simple, reproducible methods: DMMs are built on simple and easily reproducible methods of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. This makes it possible for ordinary believers to start and lead new churches.

  3. DMMs prioritize prayer and fasting: Prayer and fasting are essential components of DMMs. Believers are encouraged to pray fervently and seek God's guidance in all aspects of their ministry.

  4. DMMs prioritize relationships: Building meaningful relationships is critical to the success of DMMs. Discipleship happens through close relationships and mentoring, and new believers are integrated into existing networks of relationships.

  5. DMMs often prioritize reaching the unreached: Many DMMs focus on reaching unreached people groups, particularly in regions where traditional forms of evangelism and church planting have been ineffective.

  6. DMMs have a strong emphasis on multiplication: The ultimate goal of DMMs is to multiply rapidly and reproduce new disciples, leaders, and churches. This requires a strong emphasis on equipping and empowering new leaders to continue the movement.

  7. DMMs face challenges: DMMs are not without their challenges. Resistance from established churches, cultural barriers, and government restrictions can all hinder the growth and spread of DMMs.

Overall, disciples making movement's are characterized by a strong emphasis on obedience-based discipleship, simple and reproducible methods, prayer and fasting, relationships, reaching the unreached, and multiplication. While they face challenges, DMMs offer a powerful model for grassroots evangelism and church planting.


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