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Ankle Sprains and injuries are common, especially among athletes. There is a high possibility that you have experienced either at least once in your life. Nonetheless, multiple questions linger on people’s minds regarding ankle sprains – how did it happen? How long will it take to heal? What do I need to do? Who can I visit for treatment? 

In this article, we will discuss some common facts about ankle sprains –

What is Ankle Sprain? 

An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle are overstretched or torn. It can occur when you step in a hole, twist your ankle while running or walking, or unnaturally place your weight on one foot.

When Does It Occur?

Ankle sprains usually occur when your foot is pointing downward and surprisingly twists inward. The twist or stretch damages the ligament on the outer side, the lateral ligament. It is most common when –

  • Your foot falls into a hole and twists suddenly 
  • When you are running or walking at speed and suddenly change direction on an uneven surface
  • When someone accidentally lands on your foot while playing a sport 

Signs and Symptoms of Ankle Sprain 

If you have sprained your ankle but are unable to identify it, here are a few symptoms –

  • Sore foot
  • Swelling 
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Pain 

How to Treat a Sprained Ankle?

The best way to treat sprained ankles is by hiring a mobile physiotherapist in Parramatta. They will help you with mobility issues, if any. Other means to treat sprained ankle include –

  • Visit a physiotherapist. They will examine your foot and conduct an X-Ray to see if there has been any severe damage to your ligament. 
  • If any severe damage is caused, they will run MRIs of the internal structure of the foot. 
  • Mobile physio in Sydney is a widespread way to treat ankle sprains. It will help you with better mobility. 
  • Early exercise is crucial to regaining ankle strength, mobility, and proprioception. Exercise hastens recovery time and lowers the possibility of recurrent ankle injuries.

How Long Does It Take To Heal?

Even though there is no specific time when your ankle will be back in shape, it usually takes 1-3 weeks. It could be more for people who suffered severe injuries. If it is a grade II or III sprain, it can take up to months. 

Author’s Bio: The author is the owner of a company providing quality mobile physio in Sydney. As a writer, the author also informs the readers about a few facts related to ankle sprains.