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Everything You Should Know about Low FODMAP Diet for Alleviating IBS

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We understand that low FODMAP diets are designed for helping out patients with IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome so that they can manage their symptoms better by restricting specific food items. Researchers have introduced this diet plan for people with severe gastrointestinal issues such as IBS. It is very much backed by science, and all you need to do is to determine or identify the foods that cause these adverse symptoms and then consciously restrict their use or eliminate them totally from the diet. A low fodmap diet for ibs is popular today since it helps alleviate gastrointestinal issues. In this context, you may know that FODMAPs are sugars or carbohydrates in foods such as dairy products, asparagus, and apples that IBS patients find difficult to digest. 

Phases in Low Fodmap Diet Foods

low fodmap diet for ibs comprises three stages, as per the researchers at Monash University.

  • Elimination Stage: This refers to duration of two weeks to six weeks, during which IBS patients restrict the use of food items with high FODMAPs. You may follow a low fodmap elimination diet to improve your IBS issues. 
  • Reintroduction Stage: Once the typical IBS symptoms are under control, FODMAP groups of foods may be reintroduced into your diet plan for about eight weeks to twelve weeks. You may include fructose first and then consider reintroducing lactose one by one, not simultaneously. You may maintain a food journal for keeping track of the food items you eat and how well they are tolerated by you.
  • Maintenance Stage: At this stage, you know specific foods that are to be avoided or restricted and foods that can be in your diet since they do not cause any irritation to your gastrointestinal tract. 

You may manage your IBS symptoms with a perfect Low Fodmap Diet Plan Calgary.  

Seek a Dietician’s Assistance

If you are suffering from IBS, it is pivotal to have sound knowledge and understanding of the diet requirements. You may contact an RDN or registered dietician nutritionist who is qualified to respond to all your queries and has knowledge of every phase of the diet plan.

Do Not Avoid High FODMAP Food Items Forever

Often people make the mistake of eliminating all foods containing FODMAP indefinitely while consuming a low-FODMAP diet. It is a good idea to avoid only those foods that trigger or worsen IBS issues. When you eliminate all foods containing FODMAPs blindly, just to be on the safe side, you are inviting trouble. You may face nutritional deficiencies. Consult your dietician when the elimination stage is over. Ask her to help you identify the foods that may be reintroduced into your dietary plan.

Do Not Go Overboard with Low-FODMAP Foods

In your enthusiasm to manage or control your IBS symptoms, you may go overboard at times. Do not end up overeating low-FODMAP foods. Remember that lower FODMAP food items can become risky if you overeat.


It is crucial to focus on managing stress and anxiety to successfully alleviate IBS symptoms. You may participate in stress-busting tasks such as mindfulness meditation to manage anxiety and stress.


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