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You might have taken away from the news of people resigning their professional jobs to play crypto games. During the times of pandemic, people struggled for their daily bread and these games gave a hefty amount as a passive income. Later people took these games a bit seriously later and began to play them to earn a serious income. What are these crypto games and how can you earn from them? Continue reading so that you can get a glimpse of these games

P2E game for a Passive Income

Non-Fungible Tokens offer definite ownership of digital assets on the blockchain and make them valuable assets that can be traded. initial y it was used for digital art and other digital files.  People in the gaming industry took this concept and made the in-game items an NFT. The first game that came out with this concept was the Cryptokitties. When you buy an in-game NFT you can earn a passive income by

  • Selling the NFT asset again in the NFT marketplace to get your money back.
  • Playing with the item to strengthen and level up the NFT and then selling them will give a profit.
  • Playing matches or battles and winning them will give a reward through in-game native cryptocurrency or through NFT trophies. 
  • Exchanging the rewards on a cryptocurrency exchange platform or NFT marketplace for fiat currency can bring fortunes.


There are many NFT games present in the market offering the concept of Play to earn. Some are decentralized and the game is governed by the players themselves by voting. The player must own a governance token of the game which is also a cryptocurrency. The crypto gaming sector is nascent and it is the new generation of gaming.