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Experience Ayahuasca Ritual Ceremony with Skilled Shaman Peru

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Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing in the heart of the Amazon rainforest? Kene Nete invites you to experience an authentic Ayahuasca Ritual in Peru, guided by skilled shamans from the Shipibo village of Pahoyan. In this blog post, we'll take you inside the mystical world of Ayahuasca, providing you with insights into the preparation, the ceremony itself, and what comes after. Get ready to explore the transformative power of Ayahuasca and the wisdom of the Shipibo tradition.

Introduction to Kene Nete: Your Gateway to Healing

Before we delve into the intricacies of an Ayahuasca ceremony, let's introduce you to Kene Nete – your trusted partner on this transformative journey.

About Kene Nete

Kene Nete is a retreat center specializing in holistic healing, plant medicine, and alternative medicine. Located in the pristine Amazon rainforest, Kene Nete is not just any retreat; it's an authentic Ayahuasca and Master Plant Dieta Retreat in Peru. What sets it apart is its association with a traditional Shipibo family who reside in the village of Pahoyan. This unique partnership allows Kene Nete to offer an unparalleled plant medicine experience rooted in ancient traditions.

Inside An Ayahuasca Ceremony in Pucallpa, Peru

AN EXPLANATION: About our Ayahuasca Ceremonies

The Ayahuasca ceremonies at Kene Nete follow the time-honored traditions of the Shipibo people. These ceremonies are held by Ayahuasca Shaman in Peru at  every other night in complete darkness, providing a sacred space for participants to connect with the healing powers of Ayahuasca. Here, we will walk you through the various aspects of an Ayahuasca ceremony, from preparation to the journey itself and what comes after.

THE JOURNEY BEGINS: Preparing For An Ayahuasca Ceremony

The preparations for an Ayahuasca ceremony begin around 5 pm, as the shamans meticulously arrange the ceremonial space known as the Maloca. Safety and comfort are paramount, with a ratio of at least one shaman for every two guests. You are in capable hands throughout this profound experience.

The essentials

Your accommodations for the night are simple yet purposeful – a pillow, a blanket for warmth, mapachos (tobacco sticks), a lighter, paper towels, a light source, and water. These basic provisions are thoughtfully provided by the Shipibo family at Kene Nete. However, the most crucial item you receive is your personal purge bucket.

Meeting before Ayahuasca Ceremony

As dusk settles in, both guests and shamans gather in the Maloca to foster a sense of community and mutual support. The shamans will check in with each participant, ensuring their mental and physical well-being. Transparency is encouraged; even minor discomforts or pains are worth sharing, as they can serve as entry points for shamans to address past traumas or injuries.

Opening of Ayahuasca Ceremony

The transformative journey officially commences at 7:30 p.m., with only a faint candle illuminating the Maloca. The Maestros, or shamans, initiate the ceremony by establishing a connection with Mother Ayahuasca and the plant spirits being dieted by the guests. Simultaneously, another Maestro clears the Maloca of negative energies, creating a protective atmosphere for all participants.

You will then be invited forward to receive your cup of Ayahuasca. At this moment, you are encouraged to speak your intention out loud, or if you prefer, whisper it in your own language. As everyone consumes the sacred medicine, the candlelight is extinguished, enveloping the Maloca in darkness, and silence reigns. In the dim light, you might catch a glimpse of Maestra Olinda as she prepares to open up the ceremony.

The Plant Medicine Journey

What unfolds during the plant medicine journey varies from person to person and ceremony to ceremony. However, we can outline the general process. After approximately 30-40 minutes, as the Ayahuasca begins to take effect, the Maestros embark on their Icaros – powerful chants that facilitate communication with the medicine. Each participant receives individual attention from the shamans during this phase. It's important to stay seated and focused on your intention, refraining from interacting with other participants unless you require assistance from the shamans.

To ensure a smooth experience, there is always one facilitator present who refrains from consuming Ayahuasca. Their role is to handle logistical aspects, such as providing paper, mapachos, guiding participants to the restroom, and ensuring overall safety. The duration of the ceremonies can vary, typically spanning 3 to 6 hours, dictated by the guidance of Mother Ayahuasca.

Rest assured, with a ratio of one shaman per two guests, you are well-supported and cared for during the entirety of the ceremony.

What To Do After An Ayahuasca Ceremony?

The conclusion of the Peru Ayahuasca Ceremony is an organic process, devoid of rigid time constraints. Some participants may experience a longer journey than others, with the haunting echoes of the shamans' icaros sometimes extending into the early morning hours. At Kene Nete, the well-being of every participant is a top priority, ensuring they are in a grounded and peaceful state before retiring for the night. Post-ceremony, everyone, including participants and shamans alike, sleeps together in the Maloca, fostering protection and precaution.

As the sun rises and the morning unfolds, you are encouraged to engage in introspection and meditation. This is an ideal time to journal your experiences and connect with the insights gained during your plant medicine journey. Embrace the unknown, allowing it to reveal itself in its own time. Don't rush or force answers; instead, be present with your journey and the wisdom it imparts.


Embarking on an Ayahuasca ritual ceremony with skilled shamans in Peru is a profound and transformative experience. Kene Nete, with its deep-rooted connection to the Shipibo tradition, offers an authentic and safe space for this journey of self-discovery and healing.

If you're seeking holistic healing, plant medicine, and alternative medicine in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, Kene Nete is your gateway to this mystical world. Their commitment to tradition and safety ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the healing power of Ayahuasca.

So, are you ready to explore the depths of your consciousness and unlock the wisdom Ayahuasca Ceremony in Peru? Join Kene Nete on this extraordinary voyage into the heart of the Amazon, where ancient traditions and modern healing converge for a truly life-changing experience.
