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If you find yourself clenching your jaw or you wake up daily with a sore jaw, or a headache, you may suffer from bruxism. Teeth grinding can cause a variety of health problems, such as headaches, jaw pain, muscle tightness, and broken teeth.

A night guard is designed to prevent this problem. Bruxism is quite common and some may not even be aware of their own teeth grinding. Some bruxism symptoms you may suffer from are: teeth grinding, waking up with headaches, jaw soreness, facial pain and fatigue from lack of sleep.

Occasional teeth clenching may not cause any major issues, but long-term Bruxism can lead to broken teeth, loss of tooth enamel, and in severe cases, loss of teeth. The tooth damage caused by the unconscious nightly grinding and clenching of your teeth and jaw tends to be quite costly. Perhaps the greatest downside of teeth clenching is that it slowly but surely damages your teeth over the years. When this happens, the restorative dental treatments required for both aesthetic and functional purposes are an expensive investment.

The main cause is unknown, but it is believed that stress and anxiety play the major role. Other causes may also be alcohol use, cigarettes, caffeine, sleep apnea, snoring, an abnormal bite, and crooked teeth. Bruxism can easily be treated by wearing a night guard while you sleep. Night guards are also known as dental guards, mouth guards, or bite splints. They work by putting a barrier between your teeth.

When you clench your jaw, the night guard helps to lighten the tension and give cushion to the muscles in the jaw. This cushioning not only helps to prevent face and jaw pain, but also protects the enamel of your teeth. The hard outer layer of the night guard has a soft liner overlay reproduction of the current dental arch form, with an added layer of hard acrylic to provide a flat occlusal plane.

The night guard for clenching comes with an even thickness, is contoured to replicate the arch form, and has a flat plane added. Protect your teeth and ensure healthy sleep with customized nigh guards. To insert or remove your soft night guard, use both hands and push on or pull off evenly with your thumb and index finger. It may take several days for your tongue to get used to this custom device and then your speech will return to normal.

When you order your Soft Night Guard for Clenching online from the comfort of your own home, you will receive teeth impression kit within 2-3 days. After you create your teeth impressions and send them back to the service provider, it takes around 10 days to manufacture your night guards. Soft night guards for teeth clenching are the same high quality products that are made by laboratories that dentist use, for close to half the cost. Enhance your sleep quality with the custom-made night guards. Treat bruxism and ensure quality sleep with soft and hard night guard for teeth clenching.


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