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Explain the concept of medical marijuana. 

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Medicine extracted from the cannabis plant is known as “medicinal cannabis” (also called marijuana). The symptoms of certain medical diseases can be mitigated by using medicinal cannabis. 


There are between 80 and 100 cannabis oil dementia found in cannabis. Here are two examples of cannabinoids: 


cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (CBD) 

THC and/or CBD can be found in the vast majority of cannabis-based medicines. 


Furthermore, THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD can be used to treat a wide variety of symptoms without producing intoxication. 


The potential advantages of various cannabinoids are the subject of international research efforts. 


To what extent does recreational marijuana differ from medical marijuana? 

Most jurisdictions prohibit the use of cannabis (marijuana) for recreational purposes. 


There is no medical use for marijuana. It is not known how much of marijuana's active components there are. It could potentially have trace amounts of other contaminants. 


In what ways might cannabis be used in medicine? 

More than a hundred different forms of medical cannabis are currently on the market. Typically, drugs are to be taken orally. Products like these might be found in the form of oils, tablets, or even dried flowers. THC and CBD are both found in medicinal cannabis products. 


Why is medical marijuana prescribed? 

Cannabis for medical purposes is typically used to alleviate persistent discomfort (not related to cancer). What comes to mind are examples such as 


The Ache of Arthritis 

ache in the lower back 

Ache in the neck 

pain caused by nerve damage (nerve pain) 

These conditions are treated with solutions containing THC and sometimes also CBD. Cannabis oil is taken orally for medicinal purposes (by mouth). 


In addition to these conditions, medical marijuana has been used to treat: 


Symptoms of Anxiety Caused by Cancer (for example, pain, nausea and reduced appetite) 

Idiopathic nocturnal epilepsy and multiple sclerosis (MS) 

Those who suffer from epilepsy or anxiety are the most likely to try CBD supplements on their own. 


Australia is not alone in its exploration of medical cannabis' potential. 


Is medical marijuana safe, or does it have any negative effects? 

The negative consequences of medical marijuana are now being studied. Potential examples are: 


symptoms such as inability to focus, lightheadedness, drowsiness, and balance issues, and cognitive dysfunction 

Could I get better with the help of medical marijuana? 

Lacking conclusive evidence, medicinal cannabis has not been thoroughly studied. 


Medical cannabis has shown encouraging results for patients who have tried and failed to find relief from their chronic (ongoing) or terminal conditions with conventional treatment. 


Medicinal marijuana can alleviate the symptoms of several drug interactions. 


Multiple medical disorders, such as: are being studied as possible uses for medicinal cannabis. 


non-cancer chronic pain palliative care epilepsy multiple sclerosis chemo-induced nausea and vomiting 

I need cannabis for medical purposes; where can I acquire some? 

Legal medicinal cannabis products are only available through a doctor's recommendation, a referral from a specialist, or participation in a clinical trial. 


Having a conversation with your doctor about the potential benefits of medical cannabis is the first step. In the end, it's up to your doctor to decide: 


How to determine which cannabis medicine can benefit you 

The government approvals your doctor needs will need him or her to fill out documents as well. 


Once the paperwork is processed, your doctor can fill your prescription. Your cannabis medicine can be dispensed from any pharmacy as long as you have a valid prescription. 


The medical use of cannabis is not covered by Australia's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The weekly cost of medical marijuana might range anywhere from $50 to $1,000. For this, consider: 


you're sick 

dosage product 

How does Australia control the use of cannabis for medical purposes? 

The Australian government approved medical marijuana in 2016. 



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