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Men and women are equally concerned about hair loss issues as general public awareness of aesthetics rises. The majority of people who suffer from hair loss look desperately for a long-term solution to the issue in order to improve their quality of life because hair loss can be debilitating. The majority of people who experience hair loss ignore the early warning signs and attempt to self-treat the condition, which may result in more hair loss and a larger bald area.

The most effective hair loss treatment, hair transplants provide a permanent fix with incredibly natural-looking results. The fundamental step in a hair transplant procedure is to remove hair grafts from specific body parts that have permanent hair roots and transplant them to the desired bald area.

Patients choose to undergo elective hair transplant procedures; however, in order to confirm your candidacy, you must speak with a hair transplant surgeon. During the initial consultation, the hair transplant surgeon will examine your entire scalp and review your medical history in order to determine whether the procedure is feasible for you.

You must have a sufficient number of permanent hair follicles that could provide a satisfying amount of coverage because hair transplant procedures use your own hairs to cover the bald area.

When the hair follicles at the back and sides of the head—the procedure's preferred site—are insufficient, other parts of the body must be carefully examined in order to successfully extract hair grafts. When hair grafts are removed from body parts other than the scalp and then transplanted at the desired recipient bald site, the procedure is referred to as a body hair transplant.

People from all over the world are being drawn for hair transplant in India as a result of the widespread attention given to the destination for hair transplant tourism. A few of the most well-known hair transplant surgeons in the world are from India, and a select few renowned hair transplant clinics offer top-notch hair transplant services. The hair transplant cost in India is far too low, even though there are top-notch services available and the chance to have surgery performed by a top surgeon.

One of the most renowned and well-known hair transplant surgeons in the world, Dr. Suneet Soni is renowned for his exceptional hand-eye coordination and astounding artistic vision. He is highly regarded for his sincere advice and amazing artistic vision, which helped him create a very natural-looking hairline. He has successfully completed hundreds of body hair transplant procedures, ensuring the desired results.

Body hair transplant

It's important to have enough hair follicles in the donor area to provide the necessary amount of coverage because the hair transplant procedure uses your own hairs to fill in the desired bald areas. The back and sides of the head, which have DHT-resistant permanent hair roots, are the donor areas that are most frequently evaluated. When there are not enough hair follicles in the donor area on the scalp, other body parts may be considered.

The procedure where body hairs other than the scalp are harvested and then transplanted to the desired bald area is known as a body hair transplant.

However, transplanting body hair to the bald areas of the scalp might not produce the most aesthetically pleasing results. Body hair transplants on the scalp may not result in the most pleasing results because the texture, length, thickness, and other qualities of body hairs differ from those of scalp hairs.

Body hair transplant procedure

Several steps of the body hair transplant procedure are completed in a single session, including:

  1. Local anesthesia is applied to both the recipient's bald spot and the donor area.
  2. Hair graft extraction from areas of the body other than the scalp
  3. Bald area slit preparation for transplantation
  4. Replanting the hair grafts that were removed from the donor area
  5. Postoperative guidelines
  6. Follow ups

Pros of body hair transplant

The following list of BHT benefits is explained:

  1. Those who don't have enough hair grafts on their scalp can greatly benefit from harvesting hair grafts from their bodies.
  2. In recent years, body hair transplant has been combined with FUT and FUE techniques to harvest more grafts in cases of severe hair loss and for high density hair transplant. As a result, more hair grafts are produced, giving the greatest possible coverage.
  3. In addition, it offers the option of limiting the harvesting of hair grafts using the FUE technique as this could cause more damage to the hair grafts. As a result, adding BHT lowers the rate of damage and promotes the survival of more hair grafts.

Cons of body hair transplant

The following are some drawbacks of body hair transplantation:

  1. The texture and color of hair taken from the body differ from hair taken from the scalp.
  2. The length and growth of body hair differs from that of the scalp, which jeopardizes the hairs' natural appearance.
  3. If facial hair is harvested, scarring could result if the procedure is not done correctly and the donor area has healed.
  4. It requires skilled and knowledgeable hands because it is a little tricky and technique-sensitive.

5. The cost is higher than with scalp hair transplantation.


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