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Exploring Product Design Colleges in India: A Focus on Symbiosis School of Planning Architecture and Design, Nagpur

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Product design is a specialized field that involves creating products that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. In India, there are several colleges that offer courses in product design, with Symbiosis School of Planning Architecture and Design (SSPAD) in Nagpur being one of the prominent choices.

Overview of SSPAD's Product Design Program

SSPAD's product design program is a comprehensive course that covers various aspects of product design, including design thinking, sketching, prototyping, and manufacturing. The program is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of product design.

Faculty and Infrastructure at SSPAD

One of the key strengths of SSPAD is its faculty, which comprises experienced professionals from the product design industry. These faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. The institute also boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, including well-equipped design studios and workshops.

Industry Connections and Placement Opportunities

SSPAD has strong ties with the product design industry, with many leading firms regularly recruiting graduates from the institute. The institute's placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with these firms, ensuring that they have access to lucrative job opportunities upon graduation.

Student Life and Extracurricular Activities

Apart from academics, SSPAD also focuses on the overall development of its students. The institute organizes various extracurricular activities, including workshops, seminars, and design competitions, providing students with a well-rounded educational experience.

How to Apply to SSPAD

To apply to SSPAD's product design program, students must meet the institute's eligibility criteria and complete the application process. The institute conducts an entrance exam and interview as part of the selection process.


In conclusion, Symbiosis School of Planning Architecture and Design in Nagpur is a premier destination for students aspiring to pursue a career in product design. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, strong industry connections, and vibrant campus life, SSPAD offers an unparalleled learning experience for aspiring product designers.


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