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Exploring the latest Tools and Technology we used in Software Testing

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Introduction :

Description of tools and technology that we used for software testing, such as Java, Git, Kafka, VPN, databases (PgAdmin), NSIS, Notepad++, and SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio).


Java is a high level programming language, object oriented programming , more secure features, and platform independent features. The use of this language to make web applications, mobile applications, and more

JDK (the Java Development Kit) provides an environment for developing Java applications. Java compiler compile source code(.java files) to byte code

(.class files) by using a Java virtual machine (JVM).

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) provides an environment used for running Java programs.  


Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes to  computer files. With the help of git, multiple developers can do their own code at different places and merge the changes .

Commands related to Git :

Git clone: Cloning means creating a copy of an existing  remote repository on your local device.

Git Commit: Commit commands are used to show the current state of the file at that time.

Merge: This command is used to merge the different branches into a single branch.

PULL:  Git pull command is used for the fetch of the changes from the remote repository to a local machine.

Push : Git push command is used for the upload of changes to a remote repository from a local machine.

Checkout: Git checkout command is used for switching the different branches.


Apache Kafka is an open source software project that deals with large volumes of data and messaging.

It works on the publish- subscribe mechanism, where producers write messages to topics and consumers read messages from topics .

It involves different terms like topics , partitions , producers, consumers , brokers, and consumer groups.

Topics: in general, Kafka topics are used for organized messages. Topic names are unique in the whole Kafka cluster.

Partitions: Each topic is divided into one or more partitions.

Producers: Kafka producers are used for writing the message to Kafka topics.

Consumers: Kafka consumers are responsible for reading the messages from Kafka topics.

Brokers: Kafka nodes are responsible for storing and replicating the messages across partitions.


A virtual private network provides a secure internet connection by using encryption methods.

 Here are the key features of a VPN:

  1. Privacy and security: It encrypts the personal data between the communication by hiding the IP Address.
  2. Remote access and work: It allows you to access the organization network and resources anywhere in the world.

Notepad ++:

  1. It is a text editor for Windows and is lightweight .
  2. It is used for viewing and analyzing the log file.
  3. It allows for code editing and also highlights the syntax of the program


PgAdmin is an open source tool and development platform for Postgresql.

It is in the form of a relational database management system.

PgAdmin provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to work with a Postgresql database.

Features of PgAdmin:

  1. Database Management : It helps for creating ,updating and deleting databases , schemas , table ,view, indexes 
  2. It allows users to do tasks such as backup and restore , import and export data and also manage the database connection.
  3. We can write a query in the query editor tool and execute .
  4. It allows you to monitor server status , check active connections, and track the server logs.

NSIS(Nullsoft scriptable install system) 

It is a free and open source tool used for creating Windows installers . 

It provides a scripting language that allows developers to create installation packages.

Key features of NSIS:

  1. It uses their own scripting language and provides  commands and function to control the installation process , file operations , registry modifications
  2. It allows developers to create fully customized installers with their own graphics and graphics and also can design a custom wizard page , dialog box and control the installation according to requirements.
  3. Compression and Efficiency : It provides Compression  to reduce the size of the installer package. It uses LZMA compression by default, which provides high compression ratios. This helps in faster downloads and saves disk space.
  4. NSIS installer can support silent installations, which means that the installer can run without displaying any user interface, also helpful for automated installations or deployments where user interaction is not required.
  5. It can support many programming languages .

SSMS (SQL server management studio) 

It is used for managing and administering SQL Server databases .

And also features of creating databases, modifying databases, deleting databases, tables, views, , stored procedures.

We can also write a query and execute it against the database.


The use of testing tools and technology has revolutionized the software testing landscape . These tools have empowered testers to enhance software quality , streamline testing processes, and deliver robust applications to users.

From test automation to performance testing, security testing, test management , and containerization / virtualization , each tool and technology plays a crucial role in improving efficiency, accuracy , and effectiveness in the testing process.

At prilient Technologies , we stay at the forefront of industry , constantly exploring 

And adopting the latest tools and technology. Our offerings encompass a wide range 

Of solutions that go beyond traditional approaches, enabling businesses to embrace online data storage and analysis in a streamlined manner.


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