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Exploring the Various Types of Seal Tags and Their Applications

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In today's world, ensuring the security and integrity of products, packages, and equipment during transportation and storage is crucial. One effective solution that has gained widespread use is the implementation of seal tags. Seal tags provide tamper-evident features that help identify any unauthorized access or tampering.

This blog post will delve into the various types of seal tags, with a specific focus on courier seals, plastic seals, and the role of security seal suppliers.

Various Types of Seal Tags and Their Applications:  

Courier Seals

Courier seals are an integral part of the logistics and courier industry. These seal tags are designed to provide a secure and tamper-evident closure for parcels, bags, and containers. They help ensure that the contents remain intact and safe during transit. Courier seal are available in different forms, including:

a) Bolt seals: Bolt seals are heavy-duty seals used for securing shipping containers. They consist of a metal bolt and a lock housing. Once properly applied, bolt seals can only be removed by breaking them, making tampering evident.

b) Cable seals: Cable seals consist of a steel cable and a locking mechanism. They are flexible and widely used for sealing bags, totes, and drums. Cable seals offer high tamper resistance due to their strong construction.

c) Padlock seals: Padlock seals resemble traditional padlocks but are designed to provide tamper-evident features. They are commonly used for securing truck doors, cargo containers, and storage areas. Padlock seals are quick and easy to apply, making them ideal for high-volume operations.

Plastic Seals

Plastic seal are another type of seal tag that finds numerous applications in various industries. These seals are lightweight, cost-effective, and easy to apply. Plastic seals are available in different forms, including:

a) Pull-tight seals: Pull-tight seals are made of durable plastic and are designed to be manually tightened. They are commonly used for securing fire extinguishers, meters, and drums. Pull-tight seals are versatile and offer varying levels of security, depending on the specific design.

b) Fixed-length seals: Fixed-length seals have a pre-determined length that cannot be adjusted once applied. They are commonly used for securing trailer doors, airline trolleys, and utility meters. Fixed-length seals provide a secure closure and cannot be resealed once broken.

c) Plastic padlock seals: Plastic padlock seals are similar to their metal counterparts but are made entirely of plastic. They provide a cost-effective solution for applications that do not require high-security levels. Plastic padlock seals are commonly used for sealing cabinets, first aid kits, and toolboxes.

Role of Security Seal Suppliers

Security seal suppliers play a vital role in providing reliable and high-quality seal tags to various industries. These suppliers offer a wide range of seal options to meet specific requirements. Here are some key aspects of their role:

a) Product selection: Security seal suppliers carefully curate their product offerings to cater to different industries and applications. They ensure that their seals meet industry standards, such as ISO 17712 for high-security seals used in international shipping.

b) Customization: Many security seal suppliers offer customization options to meet specific customer needs. This includes printing unique identification numbers, logos, or barcodes on the seals for enhanced traceability and branding.

c) Expert advice: Security seal suppliers possess extensive knowledge about the features, applications, and best practices for using seal tags. They can provide expert advice to help customers select the most appropriate seal for their requirements.


Seal tags are essential for maintaining the security and integrity of products during transportation and storage. Courier seals, including bolt seals, cable seals, and padlock seals, are commonly used in the logistics and courier industry. Plastic seals, such as pull-tight seals, fixed-length seals, and plastic padlock seals, find applications in various industries. Security seal suppliers play a crucial role in providing a wide range of seal options, ensuring product selection, customization, and expert advice.


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