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Why look for the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka?

It is necessary to look for the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka if people are going to have IVF treatment. This treatment is one of the most popular and successful fertility treatments in the world currently. Moreover, the process of it is can only be performed through high technology and by experienced doctors. In IVF the fertilization of the gametes happens outside the female body. Firstly, doctors collect the gametes of both partners and then combine them to form an embryo. Once the embryo is here they will transfer it into the female uterus. Therefore, such complex treatments need the best clinics to perform them. This is why people should be looking for the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka.

ivf centers in sri lanka
ivf centers in sri lanka

Which are the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka?

There are many fertility centres in Sri Lanka which can provide fertility treatments to people. However, not every centre would be able to provide this treatment through high success and affordable prices. The best centre would go further and even perform the treatment through the hands of the expert specialists of IVF. Here we will be learning about the top 5 IVF clinics in Sri Lanka:

·         World Fertility Services –

World Fertility Services is the best IVF centre in Sri Lanka that has many services and facilities to provide to its patients. This center has many specialists who have various skills and methods to perform the treatment. Moreover, they provide personalized procedures and compassionate care. Also, this centre has a high success rate of treatments. The IVF success rate here is as high as 60% to 70%. IUI's success rate at this centre is also quite high.

·         Go IVF Surrogacy –

Go IVF Surrogacy has been in fertility services for 15 years. And in these years they have opened 22 clinics around the world. Moreover, this IVF centre in Sri Lanka has the best IVF doctor in Sri Lanka. This doctor knows how to talk politely to the patients and listen to their issues. Also, the staff members of this centre are all professional and friendly.

·         Select IVF –

Select IVF has provided their fertility services for 12 years and in these years have continued to strive forward. From the doctors to the staff members everyone here is dedicated to helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Moreover, this best IVF clinic in Sri Lanka is reputed for its service of giving all details of the treatment to the patients.

·         We Care IVF Surrogacy –

We Care IVF Surrogacy is a centre that has been steadily rising in its ranking as the best IVF hospital in Sri Lanka. This centre has many benefits to provide to its patients. Moreover, this centre has IVF doctors in Sri Lanka who are well-experienced and qualified to perform the treatments. Besides that, this centre has a high success rate too.

·         Wish Fertility Hospital PVT LTD –

Wish Fertility Hospital PVT LTD is the best IVF hospital in Sri Lanka that has various benefits to provide to its patients. Firstly, this centre has a high success rate and a low cost of treatment. Moreover, this centre provides counselling over gadgets free of cost. They give all the information regarding the treatment to the couples.

What benefits do the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka provide?

There are many benefits the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka provide to their patients. This is the reason why the centres here are recommended to everyone. The first benefit they provide is safety priority. This centre prioritizes the safety of the couple over the success of the treatment. If there is any treatment or process that might harm the couple or cause severe side effects then they will discuss it with the patients first. The second benefit is the successful treatment. The success rate at the best centres in Sri Lanka is so high that no other centres will be able to provide you with such a rate. This is all because of the dedication of the expert doctors here.

 Moreover, this centre has a high level of technology. Only when a centre has such a high level of technology, will they be able to receive high-tech equipment. Also, the advanced techniques are another reason why this centre is able to have such a high success rate. Another benefit of this centre is that the treatments here are affordable and the costs are reasonable.

ivf centre in sri lanka
ivf centre in sri lanka

What is the success rate of the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka?

It is necessary to know the success rate of the best IVF centre in Sri Lanka. World Fertility Services is the best centre and here we will be discussing the success rates of it. The IVF success rate of this centre is around 60% to 70%. This is a high success rate with the use of self gametes. If the couple uses the donor gametes then their success rate will be even higher. Moreover, the other treatments' success rates are high too. The IUI success rate in Sri Lanka is over 50%. While the ICSI success rate in Sri Lanka is over 72%. Such a high success is not just the responsibility of the centre. Instead, the couples are responsible for it too.

Every couple needs to manage their health if they want a high success rate of their treatment. Health is directly connected with the success of the treatment. Therefore, they should let go of all their addictions such as smoking and drinking. Also, they should take care of their bad habits too. Most of the people nowadays are always lying around or spending all their time on mobile. This can cause their body to be unhealthy. Therefore, they must take care of their health.

What are the costs provided by the IVF centres in Sri Lanka?

It is necessary to know the costs of the treatments provided by the best IVF centres in Sri Lanka. First of all the IVF cost in Sri Lanka is USD 4400 to USD 5100. This is a really reasonable cost when considering how many steps are in this treatment. Moreover, the other treatments at this centre are affordable too. The ICSI cost in Sri Lanka is similar to the IVF cost in Sri Lanka.

However, people must take in mind that these costs are increased if they are going to need donor gametes, advanced treatments and multiple attempts. Doctors usually recommend them when they see without their use the couple might not receive success. Therefore, for a lower cost couples should be healthy so that they would not have to use them.

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