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Veneers are customized to match the color and contour of each patient’s teeth. They’re effective for masking small imperfections like chips, cracks, and discoloration.

Unlike composite veneers, porcelain veneers are resistant to staining and offer a more natural look. They’re also a more durable option than bonding. Veneers are sculpted directly onto your teeth and require no enamel removal.

Porcelain Veneers

Unlike teeth whitening, dental veneers Fayetteville ar cover the entire front of your smile to transform your appearance and hide flaws such as chipped or unevenly spaced teeth. Today, veneers are available in a variety of shades so you can achieve the look you want — from naturally white to a more subdued hue. If your teeth have suffered significant wear that exposes the dentin, veneers can help restore your enamel and protect you from tooth decay and sensitivity.

Veneers can also be used to improve your smile if it is damaged by a root canal or traumatic event, such as a sports injury. These thin porcelain shells are custom-designed to fit the shape and color of your existing teeth, so they are virtually undetectable.

A skilled cosmetic dentist can design and apply veneers that are incredibly natural-looking and strong. If you have severe misalignment or gaps in your smile, we may recommend treatment with braces or clear aligners first before applying dental veneers Fayetteville ar.

Composite Veneers

Unlike porcelain veneers, which require impressions of the teeth to be made for proper fit and aesthetics, composite veneers are sculpted directly onto the surface of your smile. This typically occurs within a single appointment. Composite veneers are also less invasive, with minimal or no enamel removal necessary. They’re a great option for patients who prefer a more natural appearance.

Veneers help conceal a number of cosmetic imperfections, including chips, cracks, discoloration, and gaps. They can also make your smile look longer and brighter. Additionally, they’re a great solution for those who suffer from teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism).

Dr. Pate carefully examines each patient’s unique requirements before applying their veneers. This ensures a comfortable, lasting treatment experience. She often recommends using Invisalign to straighten the teeth before placing dental veneers Fayetteville ar, allowing her to minimize the amount of enamel that needs to be removed. She also recommends regular dental checkups to keep the smile healthy and strong for life.


Veneers can help address a number of issues including chipped or broken teeth, crooked teeth, discolorations, and gaps. In addition, they can make small teeth appear larger and cover up stains that are difficult to remove. They are also a great alternative to braces for adults who may not want to go through the pain and hassle of orthodontic treatment.

After a consultation, the dentist will make an impression of the tooth or teeth to serve as the template for the dental veneers Fayetteville ar. A local anesthetic is often used during the preparation and construction process.

Once the veneer is constructed, it will be bonded to the tooth using a unique cement. The cement is activated with a special light beam, which will cause it to harden quickly. Your dentist will then trim any excess cement and double-check the fit of the veneer before permanently cementing it to your tooth or teeth. It is important to remember that your dental veneers are not as durable as your natural teeth. You will need to be careful eating tough or chewy foods and should avoid chewing on pens, ice, or biting your nails. You should also consider a mouth guard or splint if you grind or clench your teeth at night.

Teeth Whitening

Dental veneers are a cosmetic treatment for correcting gaps, chips, stains, and misshapen teeth. In addition, they can also help to straighten crooked teeth for a more even smile. This is a permanent solution for many of the flaws that prevent you from flashing a confident smile with teeth bleaching Fayetteville ar.

The initial consultation will involve a thorough oral examination, possibly including dental X-rays, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your smile’s structure and health. The doctor will then discuss your aesthetic goals and determine which type of veneers would be the best fit.

Porcelain veneers are famous for their durability, resemblance to natural enamel, and resistance to staining, making them a popular choice. Composite veneers, on the other hand, require less of your natural tooth enamel to be removed and can be directly fabricated in the office. This makes them a more streamlined and affordable option. Maintaining your veneers will involve diligent oral hygiene practices and regular visits to the dentist for cleaning and polishing. These routine appointments will allow the dentist to spot potential complications and offer prompt intervention.


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