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Facebook Groups: #1 Source to Generate Traffic To Your Blog

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Let’s admit. Facebook is right now the most powerful social media. It is also the base of numerous bloggers and small businesses to grow and survive. Although the personal profiles are the best thing to stay connected with your friends and Facebook business page are the perfect place to showcase your blog and any kind of passion or business. However, with the rolling of new rules by Facebook, it is now impossible to get a good traffic from your Facebook pages. And that’s when Facebook groups come to help you.

Facebook groups are amazing places to meet like-minded people, making friends and fans and growing your blog. Within these groups, you can ask for feedback, share your advice, and connect with people who have similar goals. They are really great for community-building. Here are some Facebook groups which I love to be a part. These Facebook groups are about blogging tips, growing together and sharing each other’s content.

Here are my favourite Facebook groups

Blogging Boost

I love Blogging Boost for all the tips, resources and guidance the members offer. Anyone can ask anything in the group about blogging and the members would help you in every aspect. The group allows sharing blog links on every Monday.

The Biz Bistro

Everything from content marketing to client handling, Biz Bistro and the amazing admin Prerna Malik is here to guide you. The group is helpful to learn 101 of content marketing, business and entrepreneurship.

Facebook Page Massive Growth Strategies

This group is all about Facebook pages and how to grow them. There are some amazing tips by the admin Rachel Moolah. I personally follow the tips and have seen the results.

Bloggers’ Network

A community created for sharing blog content, ask questions and getting feedback.

Food Blogging, Photography & Videography

I have not seen a group dedicated to helping each other than this group. Everything about food blogging, this group has it all. Follow to get some amazing photography and videography tips for your blog.

I hope you would love these groups as much as I do. What is your favourite Facebook group? Comment and let me know!



The post Facebook Groups: #1 Source to Generate Traffic To Your Blog appeared first on My Writing, My World.


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