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Factors That Affect How Long Your Hot Water System Will Last

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When it comes to hot water systems, Australian homeowners often wonder how long they will last. The answer to that question depends on several factors that can influence the lifespan of the system. In this article, we will explore the various factors that affect how long your hot water unit will last and why hiring a plumber in Wollongong is essential to maintain your system's longevity.


Quality of Installation

One of the primary factors that can influence the lifespan of your boiled water system is the quality of its installation. A poorly installed system is more prone to malfunction, leaks, and other issues that can cause it to fail prematurely. That's why it's crucial to engage the services of a professional plumber in Wollongong to install your hot water system correctly.


Type of Hot Water System


The type of hot water system you choose to install in your home also plays a vital role in its lifespan. There are different types of hot water systems available, including gas, electric, solar, and heat pump systems. Each type has its lifespan, with some lasting longer than others. For example, solar hot water systems can last up to 20 years, while electric hot water systems typically last between 10 to 15 years.


Hot water systems are an essential part of any household, providing comfort and convenience for daily life. However, with so many types available, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your needs. In this article, we'll explore the different types of boiled water systems available on the market today.

  • Storage Tank Hot Water System

The storage tank water heater system is the most common type of hot water system found in Australian homes. This system works by heating and storing boiled water in a tank until it is required. The tank is usually made from either stainless steel or enamel-coated steel and is insulated to reduce heat loss. The size of the tank will depend on the number of people living in the house and their warm water usage. The storage tank hot water system is suitable for households with a continuous demand for warm water.

  • Continuous Flow Hot Water System

The continuous flow hot water system is also known as a tankless water heater. This system works by heating water on demand as it flows through the unit. A continuous flow water heater system can be powered by either gas or electricity and is more energy-efficient than a storage tank boiled water unit because it only heats water when needed. This type of hot water system is ideal for households with lower warm water usage or for those who want to save energy and reduce their utility bills.

  • Heat Pump Hot Water System

A solar boil water system works by using solar panels to heat the water stored in the tank. This type of warm water unit is the most energy-efficient option available and can provide significant cost savings on utility bills. A solar boiled water system is suitable for households with a high demand for hot water and for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • Solar Hot Water System

A solar water heater system works by using solar panels to heat the water stored in the tank. This type of hot water system is the most energy-efficient option available and can provide significant cost savings on utility bills. A solar hot water system is suitable for households with a high demand for boil water and for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint.


When choosing a hot water system, it's important to consider the type that will best suit your household's needs, energy efficiency, and budget. Hiring a professional plumber in Wollongong can help ensure you make an informed decision and that your hot water system is installed correctly.


Apart from the type of water heater system, several other factors can affect its lifespan. A poorly installed system, for example, is more prone to malfunction, leaks, and other issues that can cause it to fail prematurely. That's why it's essential to hire a professional plumber in Wollongong to install your boiled water system correctly.


Water Quality

Water quality can also affect the lifespan of your boiled water system. Hard water, which is water that contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, can cause mineral buildup in the system, reducing its efficiency and lifespan. A professional plumber in Wollongong can install a water softening system to prevent mineral buildup and increase the lifespan of your hot water system.


Maintenance and Repairs

Regular maintenance and repairs are essential to extend the lifespan of your boiled water system. Neglecting to perform routine maintenance tasks like flushing the tank and replacing the anode rod can lead to issues like corrosion and leaks that can cause the system to fail prematurely. It's crucial to hire a professional plumber in Wollongong to perform regular maintenance and repairs to ensure your hot water unit's longevity.


Can you take any measures to increase the lifespan of your hot water system?


Surely, there are several measures you can take to extend the lifespan of your water heater, and it's worth doing so as servicing or replacing a boiled water unit can be a costly exercise. Here are a few tips to help keep your system in good shape for as long as possible.


Create space around your hot water system

Giving your warm water unit enough space is a simple but effective way to avoid potential issues. Ensure that there is enough free space around your boiled water system to increase airflow and minimise the risk of fires. Avoid storing cleaning products such as vacuums or mops near the area. Creating space will make it easier to conduct routine maintenance checks or access the system when needed.


Install insulation

Insulating your pipes and heater can help prevent condensation and sweating, particularly during hot summer months. Cover as much of the pipes as possible with insulation to maintain the system's efficiency and reduce wear and tear.


Monitor your system's temperature

Setting the correct temperature for your hot water unit is crucial. It's an easy task that doesn't need to be done too often, but it can have a big impact on your system's lifespan. If you're going to be away from your home for an extended period, consider turning the temperature down as low as possible or even turning it off altogether. Just don't forget to turn it back on before you return to avoid a cold shower!


Add an expansion tank

If your water heater system has a closed system that doesn't allow backflow into the water main, adding an expansion tank can significantly improve its lifespan. When the water expands, there's nowhere for it to go, causing stress on the system. By adding an expansion tank, the water can have an outlet that reduces this stress.


Install a water softener

In areas with hard water or high mineral content, a water softener can be a valuable addition to your hot water unit. It can reduce the risk of mineral buildup in your system, which can accelerate corrosion and put extra strain on your boiled water system.


Can the professionals at your trusted plumbing company implement any other measures to help prolong the lifespan of your hot water system?


Ensuring that your hot water unit runs efficiently and lasts as long as possible is crucial to your home's comfort and budget. While there are many steps you can take to maintain your water heater system, there may be additional measures that you may not be aware of that can help prolong its lifespan.


Fortunately, your trusted plumbing company has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with guidance and implement these additional measures to help keep your water heater water unit in good shape.


One of the measures that plumbing professionals can take is to install a heat trap. A heat trap is a valve that helps prevent heat loss from the water heater unit, improving its efficiency and saving you money on your energy bills. By installing a heat trap, the warm liquid is directed towards the taps instead of circulating back into the tank, reducing heat loss.


Another measure that professionals can implement is to add a water hammer arrestor. Water hammer is a loud banging sound that occurs when a tap is turned on or off abruptly, causing a shockwave in the pipes. Over time, water hammer can cause damage to the pipes and fittings, leading to leaks and other issues. By adding a water hammer arrestor, the shockwave is absorbed, reducing the risk of damage to your hot water system.


Your plumbing company may also suggest installing a recirculating pump. A recirculating pump is a device that circulates warm liquid throughout the pipes, ensuring that warm water is readily available when you need it, without wasting water waiting for it to heat up. By installing a recirculating pump, you can save water and energy, as well as reduce wear and tear on your water heater unit.


Lastly, your plumbing professionals may recommend adding a scale inhibitor. A scale inhibitor is a device that prevents mineral buildup in your hot water unit, which can cause corrosion and reduce the lifespan of your system. By adding a scale inhibitor, you can reduce the risk of mineral buildup and extend the lifespan of your water heater system.



The lifespan of a hot water system is impacted by numerous factors such as installation quality, water quality, type of system, and maintenance and repairs. Selecting the appropriate water heater system for your household's requirements and having it properly installed by a qualified plumber in Wollongong is essential. Routine maintenance and repairs, allowing adequate space around the boiled water system, fitting insulation, and monitoring the temperature are all critical to prolong its lifespan. Overall, taking measures to boost the life of your hot water unit can save you money and inconvenience in the long run.


Resource link: How Long Does A Hot Water System Usually Last?

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