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Families file water contamination lawsuit against Federal government over Hawaii fuel leaks

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On August 31, 2022, four families from the Hawaii Naval Base filed a water contamination lawsuit against the government in Hawaii District Court under the Federal Tort Claims Act. The lawsuit claims that a fuel leak in the Red Hill Facility near the Oahu water system in May and November caused residents to suffer from health problems.

The underground fuel storage facility in Red Hill was constructed in the 1940s to serve World War II. It had previously experienced some fuel leaks. The recent twin fuel leaks in 2021 contaminated the Oahu water system with jet fuel.

The residents reported of petroleum odors in their drinking water, a few days after the leak. Though the army denied it first, later they issued an order to stop using the tap water. The survey by the health department proved that many people suffered health issues to the respiratory system, eyes, nose, ears and nervous system issues.

The plaintiff feel that the Navy intentionally masked the fuel leak and the water contamination leading to their agony. Having used the contaminated water for months made most of them suffer persistent symptoms of nausea, headaches, skin and eye irritation, internal bleeding and so on. The toxic chemicals might be causing more damage too in the back drop, we have to wait and see.

Not only the naval personnel but also the entire U.S. is awaiting to see how the Navy and the federal government is going to handle the issue. The efforts to clean out the entire water system and shut down the Red Hill facility is in the planning stage.

When the plan is acted out, will the potable water safe to drink, is a question in the minds of the Hawaiians. Everyone is very eager to know the legal proceedings and the outcome of the first water contamination lawsuit.

This may become huge like the Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits in the future, since the victims only started filing the lawsuits.








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