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Studies show that in Ireland, nearly 14 people die every day or 5000 people die every year due to cardiac arrest. This is why in Ireland it is made compulsory that employers should ensure the availability of at least one in a particular group of people working for the organization should have undergone first aid training. In addition, those, who have previously taken this course, should keep themselves updated by taking the FAR refresher course at regular intervals. Those, who have undergone the first aid course in Ireland and the refresher course, will be in a position to provide immediate first aid during a cardiac arrest so that the life of the victim can be protected until the right medical help arrives on the spot.

When to Renew First Aid Certification?

Are you a first aid responder? If so, to stay in compliance with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Regulations 2007, you should get your first aid certification renewed once every couple of years. Also, to make sure that the certification stays valid, you should renew it within three months of the date of expiry of your present certification. The FAR Refresher course has been designed to refresh your knowledge on the practical understanding and skills needed for providing first aid at the workplace.

What will you Learn from the FAR Refresher Course?

Similar to the MAPA Train the trainer course, the FAR Refresher course when taken from the best institution will teach you the most useful things. Here are the common aspects covered by a good refresher course for first aid education:

•    An introduction to first aid response
•    Hypothermia and hyperthermia
•    Electrical injury and burns care
•    How to provide the required care for an unconscious person?
•    Shock and injury management
•    How to handle common medical emergencies?
•    Respiratory and cardiac first response emergencies
•    Assessing patients

So, a good course will help you stay prepared for any medical emergency including big and small emergencies until medical help arrives.


It will not be an overstatement to say that FAR is the training and education standard for PHECC. To take this course, you need not have to be essentially a healthcare practitioner. Rather, you can be a member of the general public with first aid certification.  When you choose an institution that offers a PHECC- approved FAR Refresher course, you will understand how to provide the required care to victims as per the PHECC standards. So, similar to the first aid course online Ireland, the FAR Refresher course is equally important.

The aim of this PHECC First Aid course online is to provide learners with the knowledge, skills and attitude to provide First Aid at home and at work. Get more details about Mental Health First Aid Train the Trainer Course online.