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-Fingerboard- it is the front side of the neck, is also known as fretboard. It is a long, thin strip like structure normally wooden that is surfaced to the instruments neck front.
A brief history of acoustic guitars

Acoustic guitars consist of ancient ones and modern ones. They have been revolving for more than 3000 years up to date. It is said that the acoustic guitar is an advancement of the ancient Instrument Vihuela, which advanced from Lute, a medieval instrument. Small, plucked guitars which at that time were called gitterns were the first to be created. The Gitterns’ shape did not resemble the guitar structure until the renaissance era which occurred in the 16th century where Vihuelas were created which resembled the guitar structure. The Vihuela produced sound similar to Violin’s. The modern acoustic guitar was invented by Antonnio Jurado Torres from Seville, Spain in1850. Antonio changed the proportions, structure and boosted its size . The volume, projection tone was greatly boosted.
If you are looking for more detailed history on your beloved guitar, then we would like to recommend thecooktrio.com which will load you with knowledge you would like to get access to.

Features of the acoustic guitars

-Sound hole – this is a hole whose purpose is to allow an acoustic guitar’s vibrations to be amplified without a microphone and make it more audible.

-Tuning pegs-this is the part that allows the user of the guitar to tune it by either loosening or tightening the wires of the guitar.

-Neck- this is the narrow section of the guitar, it consists of several components, that is the nut, fretboard and frets.

-Turner-a part that is used to alter the pitch of the guitar in order to acquire the turning the user desires .

-Strings- there are different string types such as nylon and metallic strings .Different sounds from the acoustic guitar are produced depending on the size of the string(thickness or thinness).

-Bridge pins -these serve to hold and cling strings to the guitar bridge.

-Fret markers- this is the part that makes you aware about where on the fretboard you are. They make you play without getting lost on the fretboard.

-Soundboard-it is the top most part of the acoustic guitar body. It serves to determine the projection, quality and tone of the acoustic guitar.

-Bridge-it is used to hold the strings on their relative position to the fretboard. It contains parts, that is the saddle and the tie block. It is positioned on the lower part of the body.

-Head-the main function of the head is to give support to the turner. It is located at the end of the guitar neck.

-Nut- it is used in the correct spacing of the strings into their correct tuning pegs. They are made up similar material.

-Frets- they are the metallic wires on the upper side of the fretboard. Frets guide the users fingers to identify the right spots.

-Saddle- it is a synthetic or born that lifts the strings over the fretboard. It is designed to transmit vibrations to the top most wood of the acoustic guitar through the bridge.

-Body- consists of the bridge, saddle and bridge pins.

Some of the best acoustic guitars

In conclusion, acoustic guitars are the best type of guitars so far due to their latest modifications by the likes of Prewar Martins, Prewar Gibsons , Lowden, Collings and many more who have contributed to its development. Also compared to electric guitars, acoustic guitars don’t depend on electricity to operate hence can be carried around. Ignoring the tension in their strings, acoustic guitars are a best fit for beginners.

Your choice of acoustic guitar would pretty much depend of technique of playing, but the best ones would be:

-Prewar-Martins- This can be played using several styles.

-Prewar Gibsons -A vintage acoustic guitar, though of midrange pitch they are awesome to play with

-Contemporary- A modern acoustic guitar Modified by Jeff Traugot , Kathey Wingert ,David Wren and Kevin Ryan.

-Vintage inspired – Modern luthier-made guitar

-Collings- Pretty much consistent factory-made Acoustic guitars modified by Bill Collings .

-Lowden – the latest models of Lowden Lowden are great.
How an acoustic guitar generates sound

An acoustic guitar has many coupled sound producing ways:

String – soundboard, soundboard -sound hole, sound hole and cavity air -outside air. Apart from the strings vibrating, we have also the back of the acoustic guitar that vibrates to some extent in aiding in the production of the sound to the air. The Acoustic system which is the guitar produces the beautiful sound that is rent into the air, by how it emanates and pronounces harmonics and by the way it couples this vigor to the encompassing air (which we all understand as loudness). Enhanced coupling, however, brings with it costing decay period since the energy of the string is efficiently transmitted.

Electric guitars with solid bodies (which have got no sound board at all) give out low volume of sound though they can sustain itself for a long period of time. All these air coupling sequences of interactions and reverberate panel properties are the chief reason for difference in tonal qualities in different types of Guitars. The sound produced gives the acoustic guitar its unique sound tastes since its composed of complex blend of harmonics. Various pickup types or microphones could be used to amplify an acoustic guitar. It however had a lot of problems concerning audio response. Common types of pickup used in the amplification of acoustic guitars are magnetic pickups and piezo, piezo pickups get mounted under the Acoustic guitar saddle. Magnetic pickups are mounted generally in the sound hall, they have a resemblance to the magnetic pickups in electric guitars.

When the acoustic guitar strings are plucked, they vibrate and relay vibrations to the saddle. The saddle then transmits vibrations towards the guitar’s soundboard. Thereafter, the sound gets amplified by the guitar’s soundboard and its body.
Want to learn more or polish your guitarist skills? Then here is a helpful site that will help you learn better and advance your skills. The thecooktrio.com has been helping musicians to learn and play better since 2001.