1. Cars

Female Driving Instructor in Calgary

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A career as a commercial driver in Canada has scope. Despite the pandemic, the demand for commercial drivers rose. The reason being that they were among the frontline workers responding to logistical requirements of medical facilities and regular people.

If you want to start a career in the moving industry as a commercial driver, you go through a rigorous procedure. Not only do you have to be in good health, but you also have to undergo training. At the end of the training, you have to sit an exam as well.

Obtaining a commercial driver’s license in Canada is not an easy task. It requires you to comply with regulations. Hence, if you plan to apply for a commercial driver’s license, you should know the entire application procedure. In this guide, we will discuss the requirements of obtaining a commercial driver’s license.

But before that, you must be aware of the various types of driver’s licenses you can get in Canada. Each province has different rules, regulations, and permits for commercial driver’s licenses.

Generally, Class 1 driver’s licenses are for the operation of heavy trucks and trailers with air brakes. Class 2 driver’s licenses are for driving passenger buses that have a capacity of more than 15 people. You can also operate a school bus with a Class 2 driver’s license. The minimum age requirement for driving these vehicles is 18 (although the age restriction may vary in some cases).

In Ontario, commercial driver’s licenses are classified according to alphabets. For instance, a Class A driver’s license is for driving vehicles with a tractor-trailer or double trailer configuration.

Age requirement

To be able to drive a commercial vehicle, you must be older than 18 years of age. In addition to this, you need to pass a written test. Your health should also be in good condition if you want a driver’s license.

Health Condition

Poor health conditions involving heart disease and neurological disorders may prevent you from becoming a commercial driver. Hence, you have to provide medical reports throughout your career as a driver.

  • A driver below the age of 46 must provide medical reports every five years.

  • A driver between the age of 46 and 64 must provide a medical report every three years.

  • A driver above the age of 65 must provide a medical report every year.

The purpose of this is to ensure the safety of the driver and others on the road. It also ensures that a driver is competent and able to continue operating a commercial vehicle.

Enrollment in a driving school

You have to sit a written test to earn a learner’s permit. Once you have the learner’s permit, you can practice driving. The best way to practice driving skills is to enroll in a driving school. Many schools make sure to provide convenience to their students. For instance, People Driving Academy offers lectures and training for various types of driver’s licenses. In addition to this, they also provide a Female Driving Instructor to train students. So the students are comfortable.

The driving training involves hands-on training in addition to classroom lectures. The purpose of enrolling in a driving school is to help you understand the mechanics of the vehicle you will operate. In addition to this, a driving school also teaches students about road safety and other issues. It builds reflexes in students so that they are prepared for when they hit the road. 


Obtaining a commercial driver’s license seems like a tedious task. But the purpose of this lengthy process is to ensure safety on the road.


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