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Figuring Out Your Book’s Target Audience

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The first question you must answer when writing a book (if you want it to be successful) is, who will read it? All the book marketing services in the world can't save a title that misses the point for its intended audience. Having a book idea and developing an outline that leads to chapters is excellent. But challenge yourself throughout the process to see the content like your target readers will and ask yourself if they will find it helpful. Once you've arrived at something appropriate for your audience, ensure no one else has covered it in another book. Uniqueness matters, and you need to stand out from the pack.

Interestingly, the audience targeting part of developing a book is similar whether you self-publish or work with a traditional publisher. If you go the conventional route, your publisher's proposal must answer the question about the audience. The book industry is a business, and editors are looking for titles that will do business. The person evaluating your proposal will be considering who would be interested and also whether they are a group known to buy books. Anyone with experience knows that it's a multi-faceted decision with many considerations. The more you can answer those questions, the better.

While there may not be an exact how-to guide for book audience targeting, there are things you can ask yourself that will help. For example, demographic information such as age, income, level of interest in your topic, book-buying habits, hobbies, interests, and affiliations are important. Once you have sketched those out, it's time to consider the market size. Another truth about successful books today is that many have multiple target audiences. When you capitalize on several groups' interests, you have a book likelier to sell well. It also plays into your marketing program that can reach the target audiences. 

Understanding your target readers' interests can be more clear-cut for nonfiction books. You may already be immersed in the topic and, if not, can find groups and organizations where it's discussed. The internet makes it easier for everyone because you can do most of the research online. There are blogs and podcasts on virtually every topic, and reviewing them can provide considerable insight. Ultimately, you'll need a fresh take on your topic to be interesting – or say something that goes against conventional wisdom and is regarded as new. When you do, you'll improve your chances of success.