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Firetronics offers a wide range of fire equipment items, including fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, fire detectors, and other equipment. Fire equipment not only includes fire hoses and extinguishers, but also flame-resistant protective clothes, gloves, respirators, and communication devices.

Firefighting equipment is essential in order to offer optimal fire protection. Fire equipment also assures the safety of firefighters who put their lives on the line to save others. To ensure fire safety, every home should have a sufficient number of fire extinguishers.

FALCON fire-extinguishers are classed based on the type of fires they are able to extinguish. It is important to understand how the different types of fire extinguishers can efficiently stop the fire from spreading.

Fire extinguishers to keep in your house or business in the event of a fire. It is simple to search for and purchase fire extinguishers online.

ABC Dry Powder
Carbon Dioxide
Halotron™ I
BONPET Series Automatic
FALCON’s Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher is a colourless, odourless gas. A high pressure discharge of the gas provides a very fast fire fighting action, making it effective against class B and class C fires involving flammable liquids, gases and electrical fires. Being heavier than air, it works by smothering the flames and reducing the oxygen content of the air around the fire. After use, CO2 disperses without leaving any contamination or corrosive residue and will not damage clothing, equipment or material.

Label color: Black

FALCON’s Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher

Classes of Fire

Common combustible such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, trash and most plastics. May occur in homes, office buildings, or business.

Classes of Fire

Flammable liquids such as gasoline , kersonene, oil, grease, solvents and gases. Commonly strikes in kitchens, garages, light manufacturing plants and warehouses.

Classes of Fire

Fires where the fuel is flammable or combustible gas.


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