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Known for its fiery body color, fire opal has a wide cultural and spiritual association. The gemstone is believed to provide energy and strengthen intuition. It is also believed to be a symbol of passion and love. The Australian Fire Opal has been used in rituals and mosaics in many ancient cultures.

Fire opals are mined in many places, including Mexico and Australia. The gemstone is usually sold for high prices in the international gemstone market. However, the value depends on several factors including the physical characteristics and market conditions of the country of mining.

Fire opals are amorphous mineraloids, meaning they lack an internal crystalline structure. They are comprised of tiny silica balls of different sizes that result in a variety of colors. The dominant color range is reddish orange. A crimson fire opal is often prized as a birthstone because it captures the vibrant colors of the changing leaves of fall.

Fire opals are relatively hard, although they show little resistance to acidic and alkaline solutions. They also have poor resistance to sharp objects. They should be protected from chemicals, vibrations, rapid temperature changes, and rough wear. They should also be stored in a felt-lined container. They should not be stored with other jewelry.

The best specimens are transparent and exhibit a strong play of colors. The value of the Certified Double Fire Opal stone is also dependent on the color and transparency of the stone. For example, a translucent stone with a yellowish color will be less expensive than a saturated orange stone. It is important to understand the value of a stone before purchasing. It is also important to consider the pattern and patches when evaluating the stone.

The gemstone is best for jewelry use. It can be cut into creative shapes and forms. However, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with cutting fire opals. The gemstone has a weaker resistance to heat and alkaline solutions, making it more prone to surface pits and cracks. A professional gem handler should be consulted for cutting fire opals.

Fire opals can be colored in red, orange, and yellow. Some are translucent, while others are opaque. The color range is often dependent on the molecular structure of the opal. In rare cases, fire opals can exhibit a prismatic effect. A prismatic fire opal displays a range of colors in sequential patterns, which are influenced by light refraction. These stones are valued more highly than stones with a dull orange color.

A fire opal is generally very sensitive to heat and changes in humidity. It should be stored in a felt-lined, soft container to prevent damage. It is also best to avoid wearing fire opal jewelry when working or exercising. It is also important to remove the gemstone before bedtime.

Ratanrashi is the Best site to buy gemstones online  in India.  The gemstone has been associated with passion and spiritual powers, as well as love. It is also known to improve self-confidence in shy people. It is also believed to promote intuition and independence, and to provide energy and strength.






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