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Every home definitely would have a storage space, especially for medicines, which might contain at least one natural supplement obviously if you are a health-conscious person. This is not so surprising considering maintaining a healthy lifestyle with the best omega-3 capsules in India because many people believe in the benefits of natural supplements.

More than the benefits, believing in many different misconceptions or taking it wrongfully can even cause harm. However, natural supplements can indeed help your body receive the nutrients, together with which there are a lot of myths surrounding fish oils. Instead of falling for them, you can maximize their benefits with the key, knowing the right information. 

Read this blog ahead to find out the most common fish oil misconceptions that you need to be aware of.

Myth 1: It is fat, making us fat

It has been a long time since this concept took a role in the market, but the truth is not all fats are harmful to our bodies. For regular brain function and cell functioning, fats like Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated are essential. Fish oil fats do not trigger any weight gain as it is more satisfying than carbohydrates. It would be rendering us with a feeling of fullness and may even stop us from having long second-time servings. The fish oil fats are going to be counterproductive. 

Myth 2: Fish oil seems to be beneficial for your heart

Yes, it is true that fish oil benefits heart health, moreover, it also takes up a major role in other diseases like autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety, chronic inflammations and so on. Also, its DHA content is beneficial for the eye and brain to guard against mental decline and macular degeneration too. Fish oil and its EPA and DHA, also make up more pregnant and nursing mothers, by bringing in positive impacts on brain development while reducing the risk of respiratory tract infections. 

Myth 3: Fish is the only source of fish oil

Ideally, food is the source of nutrients, the supplements become essential when you don't keep the right diet or your body fails to absorb the same from the food. It is not only the fish but needs fish for at least two or three servings in a week. Many times the hectic life schedule doesn't allow us to eat right. Do consider taking fish oil supplements to complement your diet. Foods rich in EPA and DHA content are proven to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and may even be made to be a cure for health conditions like high blood pressure or high triglyceride levels.

Fact#1 Holds memory and mental health benefits

EPA and DHA contents in the fish oil help to fight postpartum depression and various neuropsychiatric conditions. It includes typically cognitive decline, attention deficit hyperactivity, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and mostly depression. It is proven to be highly beneficial for older adults to beat cognitive decline. 

Fact #2: Heart and cardiovascular benefits

To prevent heart disease and stroke, especially early death, fish oil may help but there is any compelling evidence. While managing high blood pressure, triglyceride levels as well as cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. A better cardiovascular function and the anti-inflammatory property of fish oil appeared to help stabilize atherosclerotic lesions. 

Fact #3 Healthy Foetal Development

Fish oil consumption may improve memory function and help boost the brain and eye development of the fetus. This is the reason why the experts suggest best fish oil supplements in India during pregnancy, ideally to benefit the baby. Moreover, fish with high levels of mercury are highly beneficial too.