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1. Social Strategy

If you are planning to publish something on social media then the first thing we will advise you to do is make a social strategy. Now you might be wondering how to devise a  social strategy. To create customer-centric strategy You need to ask yourself a few questions like: 

  • What are your goals? 
  • Which social media platform will help you in achieving your goal?   
  • What type of content will attract your audience?  

2. Planning & Publishing 

With the increase in the number of social media users. Evey business are concentrating on showing their consistent presence on social media. This technique is helping them in showcasing their brand to their potential customers.

Publishing an attractive & informative content is as simple as sharing pictures or videos on your personal social media profile. But if your goal is to promote a business or product on social media then you should do focus on planning a strategy for your post. You should be aware of things like:

  • When your potential customers are active on social media? 
  • Analyzing the reach of your post? 
  • Check whether your post is engaging or not
  • Craft your social media post carefully

3. Listening & Engagement 

In the early phase, your business page may not have many followers that can interact with you through comments and direct messages. But when you start posting engaging content  you may find growing 

When your social media followers grow you may find that they will start talking with you through comments and direct messages, tag you in their social media post. And if you are consistently posting engaging content then there are chances that they may start sharing your content.

So, always listen to your audience by checking your comments and direct messages. If they are facing some issue then try to resolve it and if they are giving some positive feedback and compliment about your brand and product then appreciate them. 

4. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and Reporting one of the main metrics of every online marketing channel. If you own a business page and consistently posting content on it. then you should be aware of how your post or your page is performing? Every company look for some report that can help them  in analyzing

  • Whether there post has more reach than last month or not
  • Total number of positive mention they get in a month 
  • How many users are using their hashtag and company name 
  • How many users are sharing, commenting and liking their post
  • Increase in the followers compared to last month

Read More: Inbound Marketing Series: What Is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? 5 Core Pillars Of Social Media Marketing

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