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When your body accumulates excessive amounts of fat and you look overweight and unhealthy, it is generally referred to as obesity. People become obese due to different reasons such as medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease, among others.

Looking beyond medical conditions, you could inherit obesity from your parents, or from the way your live, e.g. unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. In such as case, you can visit a walk in clinic in Alexandria VA to inquire if they have a doctor-supervised weight loss program to offer.

It is not difficult to know when you have become hopelessly obese but it is surely not just due to how you look – fat and overweight. If you are truly overweight, you will know from certain symptoms. For instance, if you get diabetes due to obesity, you are likely to urinate much more than you usually do, get tired frequently, your cuts and sores take much longer to heal, and certain other symptoms. In case you have high blood pressure, you are likely to feel flushing, dizziness, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

The only way to detect high cholesterol is by a blood test. If obesity and high cholesterol run in your family and you are overweight, have high blood pressure, and are a smoker too, you should get tested at a walk in clinic Washington DC.

Obesity is directly related to several serious health complications, which can be fatal if not treated on time.

These are:

Heart disease and stroke

When you are overweight and obese, the chances of getting affected by high cholesterol and high blood pressure are much higher. These conditions are directly related to heart disease that can result in stroke, which is known to be fatal in many cases. Thankfully, it is also true that if you put in effort and lose weight, this risk reduces in proportion to your weight loss.

High blood pressure

It is directly related to heart attacks or cerebral strokes that are mostly fatal. Those who survive such events have to deal with their impact for the rest of their lives. Among other things, these can severely weaken you and restrict your movements.


When the sugar level in your blood stream increases abnormally, it is called blood sugar or diabetes. Obesity can cause this condition in people who don't: a) eat a balanced diet, b) get adequate sleep, or c) live a physically active life. In this case too, the main focus should be on losing weight methodically.

Breathing problems

When you are obese and overweight, you are quite likely to run short of breath and experience breathlessness even while you are fast asleep. This is termed as sleep apnea and is known to be a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. Here too, the solution lies in making proper efforts to lose weight.


This is a musculo-skeletal condition wherein the bone mass is lower than normal. This usually affects women more than men. It can affect the spinal vertebrae as well as other bones in the limbs. A heavier upper body exerts that much more stress on the lower limb joints, especially the knee joints, and results in acute pain. There is also the chance of accidental fall and injury.

 If you suffer from any of these symptoms, don’t delay in visiting a walk in clinic in Alexandria VA to get tested for the right treatment.


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