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Five Methods to Raise Your Credit Score 

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Your credit score can affect your loan approval as well as your monthly mortgage payments. So what steps can you take to raise your credit score before looking for reverse mortgage loans? 

A high credit score gives you access to the mortgage market. Your monthly payments may be reduced as a result of getting the greatest interest rate possible with this assistance. To put it another way, improving your credit score increases your purchasing power. So how do you go about doing that? 

What a Credit Score Is and Why It Matters 

Lenders use your credit score as one tool to assess your financial dependability and likelihood of making missed payments or even defaulting on a loan. Low credit scores increase your risk of receiving a mortgage with a higher interest rate, approval for a smaller loan amount, or even rejection. 

A good credit score is what? Anything below 579 is considered poor, 580-669 is fair, 670-739 is good, 740-799 is very good, and anything over 800 is considered great for your FICO credit score. A decent credit score is typically required by mortgage lenders as a minimum criterion; higher is always better. 

Having credit cards and/or loans in your name (or as an authorised user or co-signer on someone else's account) helps you increase your credit score. Additionally, paying your rent and utilities on time each month will raise your credit score and show that you are a reliable financial partner. 

Your salary can have a negative impact on your credit score even though it is not immediately factored in. For instance, it might have an impact on your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, whether you're granted loan approval, or the interest rates you're presented with. 

How to Raise Your Credit Rating 

Your credit score is determined by your credit age (the length of your credit history), mix (the types of credit accounts you have, such as credit cards, student loans, and auto loans), total debt, and credit utilisation. The debt-to-limit ratio, which measures how much you owe in relation to your credit limitations, should be no higher than 30%. 

Start with these actions if you need to raise your credit score: 

Get a copy of your credit report and score. It's a good idea to request free copies of your credit report and score from the three major bureaus once a year. For additional details on how to check your credit report, see this USA.gov page. 

Correct typos and inaccurate data. Contact the credit agency that issued the report if you see any inaccuracies and ask them to update the information. 

Reduce your debt. Even though not all debt is detrimental, having a lot of revolving debt (such as credit card debt) makes you less desirable to lenders. As you pay off as much as you can, think about requesting a credit line increase. As long as you don't raise your debt to match, higher limits will boost your credit utilisation. 

Avoid skipping payments. Even a few late payments can ruin a previously stellar track record. Verify that all accounts are current, and immediately settle any past-due accounts. 

Don't submit too many loan, credit card, or other applications at once. These result in hard credit inquiries, which are recorded on your credit report and may give the impression that you are in need of credit. 

Old accounts, such as credit cards you've paid off and hardly use, don't always need to be closed (or at all). These might really lengthen your credit history and allow you a little more leeway with your credit use rate. 



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